


1 概 述


10年之后的2016年,联合国特别纪念日(Special Day)已经改成了联合国国际日(International Day),数量也从 60多个增加了1倍,达到130余个2。今天,“只有一个地球”是联合国一直关注的重大议题之一;而未来,地球外太空将成为人类加速发展的领域。尽管人类的太空探索仅半个多世纪,成功发射了一个又一个飞行器,但也制造了越来越多的太空碎片。过去几十年来有多起太空碎片导致卫星失联的报道3,而地球外太空也是唯一的,它是人类通往宇宙的必经之地。





魔方是一款广为流行的非重力玩具,由匈牙利布达佩斯建筑学院厄尔诺·鲁比克(Erno Rubik)教授于1974年发明。太空魔方利用魔方非重力转动的原理搜集太空碎片,“满目疮痍”之时即是其成为博物馆之日。下面从太空碎片、太空魔方、博物馆构想等方面来阐释太空魔方博物馆的创意。

图1 / Figure 1

2 太空碎片

太空碎片是指在地球外太空轨道上存在的无用人造物。自1957年前苏联发射第一颗人造卫星起,便有了太空碎片。截至2015年,人类在外太空制造的碎片垃圾超过4,500吨。随着太空碎片加速增加,碎片之间发生碰撞又产生更多的碎片,最终形成包围地球的、密不透气的碎片层。这种以美国学者名字命名的“凯斯勒效应”(Kessler Syndrome)4,将导致人类探索宇宙的步伐延缓甚至停止数千年。


3 太空魔方




图2 / Figure 2

图3 / Figure 3

图4 / Figure 4

4 博物馆构想






Notes and References

1 参见朱文一, 黄鹤, 陈宇琳, 等. 盖塔—联合国特别纪念日纪念馆构想[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2006:124-125。其中,朱文一工作室给时任联合国秘书长科菲·安南(Kofi Annan)的信“在世界各地设立联合国特别纪念日博物馆的倡议书”(A Proposal for UN Special Days Museum All over the World)。

SH-SY5Y细胞培养在含10%胎牛血清、100 U/mL氨苄青霉素及100 U/mL链霉素的DMEM培养基中,于37 ℃、5% CO2浓度下培养。细胞转染按照lipofectimineTM 2000说明书进行操作。


3 例如,July 24,1996, Cerise (French Microsatellite); March 29,2006, Ekspress Am11 (Russian Satellite); January 22,2013, Blits (Russian Laser-Ranging Sat), etc.


4 参见 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome。


Figure Sources


All figures are provided by ZHU Wenyi Atelier.


COSMIC RUBIK᾽S CUBE MUSEUM:A Proposal for UN International Day of Raising Awareness of Clearing Space Debris,Outer Space

According to academic studies, there are five types of the space debris: boosters, abandoned spacecraft,space weapons, lost tools and debris, and those can be classified into three categories according to their size(Figure 2) : First, there are debris smaller than 5mm that are harmless. Second, there are debris larger than 10cm. About 22,000 fragments of this type can be collected or removed in various ways such as by Collector Satellite Sling-Sat, Electro-Dynamic Tether,space net and laser brooms because those debris can be monitored by the instrument. There are also more than 500,000 fragments with size between 5mm and 10cm, and they cannot be monitored and pose a great threat to the spacecraft. The Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube envisioned a way to collect and remove the third category of space debris.

When the Space Cube 48 body bullet-proof veil gets“scarred”, you can clean it by taking away those useful elements, leaving useless fragments. At this point, it will become a special museum floating in outer space-Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube Museum (Figure 8,Figure 9). Of course, you can also reclaim a Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube, displayed next to the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New York (Figure 11).

Location: Outer Spase

科技企业孵化器业务运作模式研究——以绵阳市Z公司为例 ……………………………………………………… 杨 艳(6/22)

Time: 2/2016-11/2016

Client: Global Art Affairs Foundation, GAA

Program: Time-Space-Existance of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016

Design Team

ZHUWENYI Atelier www.zhuwenyi.com

Chief Architect: ZHU Wenyi

Team Member: LIU Zhiqiang; LIANG Yingya; QIAN Yiyuan; SUN Haode; QI Jia; LI Tianying; LI Bojun

图5 / Figure 5

图6 / Figure 6

图7 / Figure 7

1 Introduction


4 Museum Concept

Ten years later ( in 2016 ), the United Nations Special Day changed to the United Nations International Day (International Day), and such dates have been doubled in number from 60 to 130. Today, “There is only one Earth” is one of the major issues to which the United Nations has always been paying attention.In the future, outer space will become an area where human beings are developing. Although human space exploration has started for more than half a centure,and Spacecraft was successfully launched one after another, it has also produced more and more space debris. The number of space debris that has led to the

loss of satellites in the past few decades. Earth᾽s outer space is also unique. It is an area mankind can access to the universe. Here, Zhu Wenyi Atelier proposed to set December 31 of each year as the “International Day for Clearing up Space Debris” (Figure 1), to warn humans not to ignore the Earth’s outer space.


In 2016, Zhu Wenyi Atelier was invited to attend the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 “Time-Space-Existence” organized by the Global Art Affairs Foundation, GAA. The exhibition “Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube” and its installation, which was presented at the exhibition. This not only fully presents the concept of improving the awareness of cleaning space debris, but also reinterprets the exhibition theme of“time-space-existence” in a creative way.

Rubik᾽s Cube is a popular non-gravity toy invented by Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik. The Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube uses the principle of non-gravity rotation of the Rubik᾽s Cube to collect space debris.When it is “devastated”, it becomes the museum.

2 Space Debris

Space debris refers to the useless Man-made things that exist on outer space orbits. Since the first satellite was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, space debris was produced. Till 2015, more than 4,500 tons of Space debris had been produced by mankind in outer space. As space debris increases faster and faster, collisions between the fragments create more debris, eventually forming an airtight layer of debris that surrounds the Earth. This Kessler Syndrome,named after the NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler,will slow or even stop human exploration of the universe for thousands of years.

ZHU Wenyi

2 截至2018年2月,共有157个联合国国际日。参见 http://www.un.org/en/sections/observances/internationaldays/。

图8 / Figure 8

3 The Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube

Bulletproof vest can absorb high-speed bullets (Figure 3). Can the principle of bulletproof vest be used to absorb and remove space debris? The similar material as the bulletproof vest can be covered in a controlled spacecraft surface. As a space debris scavenger, it can collect and remove space debris on its orbit before a satellite is launched to ensure satellite orbital accessibility (Figure 4).

The larger the surface area of the space debris scavenger, the more space debris can be collected and removed. There is a kind of Rubik᾽s Cube with 8 small cubes on each side and 1 cuboid space in the center, hiding and connecting the swivel structure. Its surface area is much larger than the same size of the cube. As for this cube as a model, you can design a Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube composed of 20 small cubes,forming 48 cube facets. In other words, spacecraft manufactured according to Rubik᾽s cube principles can add eight times more surface areas than cuboids of the same size (Figure 6). The 20 small cubes are connected by a circular system of similar Rubik᾽s Cube, rotating freely according to the number of debris they collect and remove through the central power system and control room (Figure 6). The size of the Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube is 25 m×25 m×25 m with 8 m×8 m×8 m small cubes. On the basis of satisfying the requirement thickness of the bullet-proof material which is need to collecte and cleare from space debris, it is possible to design a living and working space of 3 m×3 m×3 m inside. The Astronaut Scavenger can control the Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube in it (Figure 7).

Back in 2006, Zhu Wenyi Atelier submitted a “Proposal on the Establishment of the UN Special Days Museum” to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.In this proposal, Zhu Wenyi Atelier completed the conceptual design of the UN Special Days Museum based on the small town of Gaeta, Italy for commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.


Space tourists can watch the museum from the outside, and enjoy the automatic rotation of the Rubik᾽s Cube. They can also observe the body craters and collected debris; they can even stay inside, experience the space hotel.


Zhu Wenyi Atelier initiated the “International Day of Raising Awareness of Clearing Space Debris”and proposed the conceptual design of the Cosmic Rubik᾽s Cube Museum. They were presented at the“Space-Space-Existence” exhibition of 2016 Venice Biennale in Palazzo Mora, Venice (Figure 12).

《城市设计》 2018年第1期

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