


Views on Sinology

A New Era: How Can Chinese Poetry Go Global ······························································Xu Yuanchong ( 5 )


Sailing between Chinese and Bulgarian Culture: Interview with Petko Hinov, the Bulgarian Translator of A Dream of Red Mansions ·································································Lin Wenshuang ( 9 )

Missionary Sinology

James Legge’s Research on and Translation of Confucianism and the Contemporary International Transmission of Confucianism ··································································Li Yuliang (16)

British and American Protestant Missionaries’ Competition in the Terminology Dispute during the Early Years: An Investigation through Mission Archives ··················Li Siqing (31)

Chinese Classics Overseas

A Historical Account of the Translation and Transmission of Classical Chinese Literary Theories in the English-speaking World ····················································Wang Hongtao (43)

Excerpt Translation and Introduction of Journey to the West by Rev. Dyer Ball and His Son ········Cai Qian (57)

A Comparative Study of Arthur Waley and Amy Lowell on Li Po’s Poetry ·······················Jiang Wenyan (89)

A Brief Study of Zhang Xianliang’s Works in Russia ·······························································Bai Yang (166)

Studies on Chinese Literature and History

Chinese Culture in Sweden: A Survey ·····························································································Arina (124)

Translation of Musicality in Fu: David Knechtges’Rhapsody on the Panpipes ······Ruan Shiyun & Yao Bin (81)


Chinese Language Studies Overseas

A Brief Analysis of Joseph Edkins’ Textbook of the Spoken Chinese Language ·········Shioyama Masazumi (96)

Four Hundred Years of the Compilation of Chinese-Foreign Language Dictionaries (1575—1950) ·················································Liu Shantao & Wang Xiao (102)



Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchanges

A Study on the “Mandarin Language Examiner” of Korean Chinese ·····································Zhang Hui (117)

A Study on Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism and the Formation of the Particularism of Shinto ···························································································Wang Yuqiang (109)

The Poetry of an Old Civilisation : Émile Montégut’s Review of Poésies de l’époque des Thang ···········································Émile Montégut Trans. Jiang Xiangyan (68)

皖河流域下游属平原圩区,地势低平,水系复杂,河床落差小、弯道多,水流缓慢,泄洪能力差,多涝灾有必然性。皖河流域下游千亩以上重点圩口104个,总面积880.69 km2,耕地5.33万公顷,其中万公顷以上圩口22个。建国以来60余年间,就发生过较大洪涝灾害17次,平均不到3年一次,与上游洪水出现保持高度一致。涝灾严重的是皖河中下游支流及武昌湖周边圩区。

Studies on the History of Sinology

A Study on Chinese Religion in Russia ···········М. Л. Титаренко & А. В. Ломанов Trans. Zhang Bing (130)

The Academic Sinological Research of Singapore Scholars Ong Chang Woei and Koh Khee Heong ····································································································Wang Xueshen (136)

The Image of China in the World

The Image of the Yellow River in the Writings of the Jesuits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ·················································································································Wang Yi (142)

An Investigation of the So-called “Chinese Civilization Saving the West” in Britain···········Ye Xiangyang (151)

Special Column on Russian Sinology

The Translation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry in Russia and Its Characteristics ··················································································································Wen Jian (159)



Chinese Scholars’ Studies on the Russian Translation of Modern Chinese Literature since the Republic of China ······································································She Xiaoling (173)

Special Column of Young-tsu Wong’s Book Reviews

Review of The Limits of Change: Essays on Conservative Alternatives in Republican China ·····························································Young-tsu Wong Trans. Fu Huimin (179)

Review of Tang Xiaobing’s Global Space and the Nationalist Discourse of Modernity:The Historical Thinking of Liang Qichao ······························Young-tsu Wong Trans. Wang Wei (182)

Book Reviews

Review of The Columbia History of Chinese Literature ·············································Zhang Mingqiang (184)

Review of Edward H. Schafer’s The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of T’ang Exotics and Its Translation Version······································································Wei Hong (192)


Academic Trends

Multi-dimensional Discussion on the Overseas Sinology—A Summary of “The Symposium of Overseas Sinology in 2016 of High-end Forum on Ba-Shu Culture and Hu-Xiang Culture” ·····································Luo Zongyu & Wu Qianwen (196)

Afterword: Guard the Academy of Humanities ·······························································Zhang Xiping (199)

《国际汉学》 2018年第01期

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