
Promoting People-Centered Arab Chinese Cooperation


Allow me, first, to express our pleasure and appreciation of becoming one of Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network SIRONET members. We look forward to playing an effective role as thefirst Arab organization to join your organization.


This year holds special significance. It marks the 40th anniversary of China’s embarking on a journey of reform and renovation, and the 5th since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) was announced by President Ji Jinping in 2013. We congratulate the Chinese people for their amazing achievements as they continue to march towards new heights. It is deeply gratifying for us to be able to share the celebrations of these momentous occasions with the Chinese people.

The success of the economic reforms adopted by the Chinese government and communist party has demonstrated that the Chinese model of development is more creative and flexible than most other systems in the world today. Our countries can benefit from adopting some of the types of “inclusive” economic policies that have worked in China. Furthermore, the renewed interest on the part of the Chinese government in expanding ties with the Arab region (as manifested through the BRI) gives an added momentum to this idea.

Time has proven that despite all the obstacles from here and there the BRI continues to be an initiative of epic proportions. It promises to bring development and prosperity and has become a beacon of hope for millions of people all over the countries involved. But the truth is that BRI is more than just an economic initiative. It is a true embodiment of China’s long-standing policy towards shared global governance, a policy based on a win-win philosophy, where the creative initiatives from different countries and communities are combined to create a model of what the shared future of mankind should look like.

Who are We?

Our association -- Arab Chinese Cooperation and Development Association (ACCDA)-- is an independent NGO established on the principal of strengthening economic and cultural relationships between Chinese and Arab people. We believed that these relations are not to be confined to businesses and public officials, but should include regular people from all walks of life. The exchanges and cooperation envisioned under the BRI can only genuinely succeed if it is fully embraced at all levels of society. Our association seeks to implement that vision by tapping into the huge, but underused, potentials of people at the grassroots level. Our objective is to play a modest role in pushing forward China-Arab relations from that holistic perspective.

The Overall Context in which ACCDA Emerges and Operates


A大学交通运输学院三年级本科生,因为学校只给非英语专业一二年级的大学生开设英语课程,所以按学生参加全国大学英语四级考试分数(及格分数为425分),以500分为界把学生分为两组。调查问卷发放165份,收回157份,回收率95%。, 没有填写英语四级分数的问卷被视为无效问卷, 共获得有效问卷123份,有效答卷比例75%。其中英语成绩500分以下为51份,为了平衡分界线上下的人数, 只选取100份问卷人数为研究对象, 500分以上任意抽取50人,500分以下50人。

·Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

·Mutual non-aggression.



·Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

·Equality and mutual benefit.

·Peaceful co-existence

In faithful representation of these guiding principles, the BRI included the following objectives with respect to the Arab states:

·Enhancing cooperation in the sectors of construction, nuclear power, telecommunications,agriculture, andfinance.

·Coordinating investment projects and focusing on those projects that generate mutual benefits for Chinese and Arab enterprises.

The Arab states are important partners for China in the development process. The Chinese government and communist party have always approached Chinese-Arab relations strategically. Their ultimate objective has been to create lasting peace, stability,and justice. For that purpose, these relations have always featured the following principles:

The Arab Chinese Cooperation and Development Association draws upon the above system of beliefs and objectives as it develops its action plans. We will seek to implement a variety of projects and programs to promote our economic, cultural, and educational agenda. Further, we aim to be active in Arab Countries through affiliations with existing organizations that share the same value system.Our association will also strive to become a platform for people-to-people bonding by inviting prominent and influential Arab and Chinese community and business leaders to communicate on ways to reach the shared goals and objectives.

·Coordinating development strategies and contributing to those strategies as needed and feasible and in manners that utilize each country’s comparative advantage and potential.

Along that, we are proud to be working closely with several Chinese agencies including China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)and China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)to implement the above goals.

·Enhancing cooperation in trade via openness and reciprocity.

·Promoting social development through cooperating in the sectors of healthcare, education and human resources, science and technology, and environmental protection.

·Promoting cultural exchange through cooperating in the sectors of broadcasting,filming, television,and press.

In addition, one of the pillars of China’s policy, as confirmed by President Xi Jinping in his speech at the Arab League in Cairo, Egypt, in 2016, is China’s continued support for the Palestinian people: “China firmly supports the Middle East peace process and supports the establishment of a State of Palestine enjoying full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We understand the legitimate aspirations of Palestine to integrate into the international community as a state.” The Arab people will forever be grateful for this position.



Our Program of Action

Our program is driven by the needs and aspirations of our societies.

Our countries need genuine and sustainable development with local characteristics. Therefore,one of our association’s primary aims is to learn,and spread knowledge about, the experience of China with locally-driven development.Our countries need appropriate and affordable technologies. Therefore, one of our themes will be the promotion of viable and productive technology transfer from China. Our countries need alternative energy resources in order to achieve both sustainable development as well as economic diversification. We know that China is the world’s leading nation in Electricity production from renewable energy sources. Therefore, we aspire to serve as a link between Chinese and Arab Engineeringfirms (as well as energy policymakers) on how the alternative energy programs of China can be adapted to the needs of the region.

On a broader level our countries need to develop and implement a more balanced trade strategy with China. We need to move from the unidirectional pattern that we now have towards a more bilateral and diversified pattern.

As the world continues its transformation to a multi-polar, multi-cultural system, it becomes apparent that China and the Arab states should cooperate a lot more on issues of economic and social development. This is based not only on a common heritage, but also on a joint vision that international relations can, and should be, founded on mutual benefit and respect.

We hope to be able to contribute to that objective through a variety of activities that we are planning.The list of possibilities is endless, and contains numerous other areas where closer ties will promote mutual benefits.

Over the next two years, ACCDA will work on the following themes:

1)Economic and Social Development:


a) Technology transfer, with special focus on small and micro enterprises (SMEs). Our planned activities in this domain include expert conferences and specialized technology exhibitions in some Arab countries with special attention to matching the actual market needs for more effective results. In this regard, our association signed a strategic partnership agreement with Silk Road Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing(ZBRA): http://www.zpark.com.cn/en/. This park is considered the Silicon Valley of China. Our agreement aims at promoting further links between Chinese technology companies and Arab SME’s,startups, and innovation incubators. Additionally,we are co-jointly organizing technology expo and forum to start in Spring 2019 and eventually moved to different Arab countries. We also give special importance to cooperating with the Arab Chinese Center for Technology Transfer and the Arab Chinese Center for the Telecommunication Technology. We are actively organizing Arab Youth participation in this center’s periodic training sessions.

b) Export promotion and facilitation. Thanks to China’s policies to open-up its market especially for Silk Road countries, we are joining forces with Arab business especially with Union of Arab Chambers of commerce to promote import of Arab products into the Chinese markets. We are paying great attention to thefirst international import expo which will be held this November in Shanghai as a milestone in opening the Chinese market further.We are planning to launch joint programs with Arab Chambers of Commerce including organizing Arab participation at import expos across China,organizing training programs to spread knowledge related to procedures, product adaptation, marketing and distribution, quality control and Chinese market entry requirements and procedures. We also plan to keep close contact with the newly formed International Import Bureau (CIIB) to promote further participation of Arab companies at this important expo platform. ACCDA immediate goal is to promote establishing a permanent showroom for Arab products in China which will serve as a base for Arab suppliers seeking to enter the Chinese market and as a base to access different cities in China.

一体化教学场所建设不能忽视教室和实训场地各自的氛围 一边是课桌椅和讲台,一边是设备,这样的一体化教室破坏了教室和实训场地各自的不同氛围。教室有教室文化,有学习氛围,学生在教室里一般穿着校服。实训场地应该注入企业文化,企业有严格的规章制度、操作规范和安全保护意识与措施。学生在实训场地对设备进行认知或者操作,要有安全意识,要做好安全保护。以对汽车发动机的认知和拆装为例,最基本的安全防护措施要戴手套、穿工装。可见,教室和实训场地具有各自鲜明的氛围。把设备放入教室,在学生思想里淡化了企业的严肃性和对安全事故的防范意识。

c) Banking and Financial Services: With the increasing economic and financial global role of China and the increasing role of the Union of Arab Banks as an effective instrument in the regional and international arena, our association considers that there is a vital area for financial and investment cooperation between the two sides. We are also cognizant of Arab banks’ needs for a variety of services to assist them implement their strategies in the Chinese market. ACCDA plans to cooperate with the Union of Arab Banks for an effective execution of our mutual objectives in China.

2) Cultural and Artistic Exchange:

Our association aims to play a growing role in promoting Arab-Chinese exchanges in culture,education, and tourism. We are planning to promote activities in these sectors in Lebanon and other Arab countries as well as inside China with special attention to youth joint programs.

a)Art and Music:

We are currently preparing joint working sessions between Arab and Chinese musicians in an effort to create musical collaborations. Also we are preparing to organize dance, acrobatics, and lantern lighting shows in some Arab countries and China.We are also working on organizing “Chinese Movie Week” in different parts of the Arab world.At the same time, we are coordinating with some Chinese art galleries and organizations to organize Arab art exhibitions in China.

b)Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

We strongly believe in promoting TCM as an alternative and viable means to ease human suffering from pain and diseases and improve people’s quality of life. As TCM gains further worldwide recognition, the idea of establishing more TCM centers in the Arab region gains momentum, becoming more feasible than ever before. Along with that is the increased potential to promote the studying of Chinese medicine at local universities as well as sponsoring Arab students to study it in China. We are currently working to conclude agreements with a leading university and a Chinese medicine hospital in China to bring their knowledge and viable treatments to wider patients.In this context, we are proud that our vice president Dr. Jamil Hodeib, a renowned doctor of Chinese medicine, was selected recently as one of Arab influencers who has had significant contributions to Arab Chinese Friendship.

c)Education and Tourism:



Our planned activities include providing information to prospective college students interested in studying in China by participating in certain college drive events. We want to promote Chinese language courses for business owners and traders especially e-learning by partnering with existing programs in China. Finally, we would like to promote Silk Road tourist tours by Chinese business groups to Arab countries and vice versa and encourage more purposeful twinning of cities and villages based on specific mutual projects.

In conclusion we thank you again for this unique opportunity to participate in a process that will lead to genuine and inclusive development for millions of people around the world. We plan to participate actively and periodically in conferences and policy forums that are held in China on the BRI and other issues of relevance to the Middle East in order to benefit from the experiences of other countries involved in the BRI and network with like-minded associations from these countries.As our association is also an active member of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce(SRCIC), we plan to merge the experiences and connections gained from both memberships in order to bring about a real, tangible, and sustainable difference. Thank you and good luck forward.

Kassem Tofailli:

President of Arab Chinese Cooperation &Development Association, Chairman of Silk Road Commerce & Consulting company, Deputy director of China Arab States Expo, Ningxia Friendship Ambassador with the Arab and Peoples of the World, Founding partner of East-West Gate International Corporation (an American consulting and trading company in operation for 25 years)

Kassem Tofailli
《International Understanding》2018年第3期文献

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