


Special Issue to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters

First published in late 2008 and currently in Volume 11(2018), Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (AOSL) is unique in providing a rapid communication channel between academic communities concerned with the interdisciplinary research areas of atmospheric science and physical oceanography. This approach allows the journal to cover such critical issues as climate change, the cryosphere, water resources,wind energy, drought and flood, and smog, amongst many others. AOSL is co-sponsored by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) and the Chinese Meteorological Society (CMS),and it is now jointly published by the Taylor & Francis Group(since 2016) and Science Press.

Ten years have passed since the first issue of AOSL was published. AOSL has continued to expand its scientific depth and scope, and published several high-impact special issues on climate variability and predictability, climate change,ENSO, Indian Ocean cruises, and other topics. Several papers have attracted wide attention and have been highly cited.

柴达木盆地是青藏高原的一部分,具有干燥、多风、寒冷的特点。年平均气温大多数高于2℃;最热的七月份平均温度仅11.5~18.0℃;一月平均温度多在-10~-15℃之间,极端最低温度一般在-30℃以下。以西风为主,最大风速为20~22 m/s。年日照时数可达3200~3600h。盆地东部降水量约160~180mm,中部降至40~50mm,西部的冷湖一带更少,不足20mm,然而,年蒸发量1973.62~3183.04mm[12]。

AOSL has also strived to adapt to what is a rapidly developing era of academic publishing. For instance, in 2013,AOSL launched its first social media campaign and now has a presence on Twitter, Sina Weibo, WeChat, Eurekalert! and other information dissemination platforms. Furthermore, in 2016, AOSL changed its business model from the traditional subscription-based approach to Open Access, with additional functionality such as forward citation linking and advanced online publication of articles in both PDF and HTML formats through Online First. Moreover, Chinese summaries are available for every article since 2015 and, more recently, graphical abstracts too. We launched a new section ‘Progress and Views’ in 2017 to cover the latest research highlights, project reports and updates of old data. Also, importantly, AOSL is now included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

据联合国教科文组织和联合国粮食及农业组织的不完全统计,全世界盐碱地面积已达9.554 38亿公顷。中国科学院南京土壤研究所最新研究显示,我国各种类型的盐渍土总量为9 913.3万公顷[1]。

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of AOSL, a special collection of invited papers has been organized that re flects the current and emerging hot topics in our field. The authors of these papers are well-known scientists in their respective areas. The journal editors express their appreciation not only to the distinguished contributors of the invited papers, but also to all authors and reviewers who have contributed to the journal. We look forward to your continued support in the future.

Hui-Jun Wang,Ola M.Johannessen
《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》2018年第2期文献
Preface 作者:Hui-Jun Wang,Ola M.Johannessen

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