
Study on Antibiotic Prophylactic Use Behavior and Influencing Factors of Livestock and Poultry Breeding Farms and Households from Risk Cognitive Perspective


1 Introduction

With the improvement in the people’s living standards, food safety has received more and more attention. Especially in the modern society that pursues balanced nutrition, the demands for livestock and poultry products such as meat, eggs, and milk are also increasing. Therefore, the quality and safety of such foods are also attracting much attention. In many food safety issues, the problems of drug residue and drug resistance resulted from antibiotics are particularly prominent. To solve the food safety problem, government departments further regulate the food market through various measures. In May 2015, the Party Central Committee set forth the requirements of applying the strictest possible standards, oversight, punishment, and accountability to ensure food safety; No. 1 central document of 2017 also stated that it is required to regulate the pesticide and veterinary drug residues, especially the abuse of antibiotics in breeding industry, and severely attack the behavior of illegal use of pesticides and veterinary drugs, and illegal addition or excessive use of food additives. This fully reflects the concern of the party and government for the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products, and also reflects the people’s appeal for food safety. However, solving the problems caused by the unreasonable use of antibiotic veterinary drugs in livestock and poultry breeding should not simply rely on the supervision of the relevant government departments. Instead, it is required to locate underlying causes. Starting from unreasonable use of antibiotics by livestock and poultry breeding households and influencing factors, on the basis of previous studies, we introduced the risk cognitive factors to explore essential causes of their behavior and accordingly come up with pertinent recommendations and countermeasures.

2 Literature review

With the rapid economic development, people have a deeper and deeper understanding of antibiotics. From people’s understanding that antibiotics can promote the growth of livestock and poultry and use them in large quantities, to divide prescription of antibiotics to increase the efficiency, and to drug resistance due to overuse of antibiotics, the antibiotics, as a double-edged sword, play a great role in human beings, but there is also hidden danger. Domestic and foreign scholars have carried out extensive studies on the unreasonable use of antibiotics in the livestock and poultry breeding process. According to their studies, the behavior and influencing factors of the livestock and poultry breeding households mainly include the following aspects.

2.1 Complex influencing factors of antibiotic prophylactic use behavior

2.1.1 The government supervision affects the antibiotic prophylactic use behavior. In the study on strengthening the supervision of the use of veterinary drugs, Zhang Guanghui etal.[1] pointed out that there are problems of imperfect laws and regulations about supervision of use of veterinary drugs and low effectiveness of law enforcement department. In the study of veterinary use of human drugs, overuse, and compliance of interval of drug use, Wu Linhai and Xie Xuyan[2] found that breeders’ drug use behavior was mainly affected by government supervision, and the influence was not significant on overuse and interval of drug use.


2.1.2 The economic benefit is the driving force of drug use. Wilson etal.[3] found that most breeding households would use large amount of antibiotics and other special drugs to reduce the case fatality rate and increase the market returns. The research results of Pu Hua and Bai Yubing[4] indicated that the breeding profit influenced the illegal behavior of livestock and poultry breeding households in using veterinary drugs.

2.1.3 The cognitive level of breeding households affects their behavior of drug use. The study of Min Xiaocheng etal.[5] indicated that the training of breeding techniques organized by the government departments could raise the cognitive level of breeding farms and households, and accordingly reducing the occurrence of overuse or illegal use of veterinary drugs. Based on the survey of 180 breeding farms and households in Kenya, Irungu etal.[6] found that the age and education level of breeding farms and households played an important role in the selection and use of veterinary drugs. The study of Machila etal.[7] found that participation in the training indirectly influenced the dose of veterinary drugs used by breeding farms and households through the estimation of the cattle weight. For Chinese breeding farms and households, their cultural quality, value orientation, and risk appetite are internal factors that affect their use of veterinary drugs[4]. The study of Moreno etal.[8] in swine breeding farms and households in Spain, found that the weakness of cognitive about hazards brought about by improper use of veterinary drugs is a factor influencing their use of veterinary drugs.

2.2 Certain influence of risk perception on antibiotic prophylactic use behavior Paudel etal.[9] believed that risk attitude affects agricultural production decision-making behavior of farmers, while Cardenas etal.[10] held that risk attitude would influence the economic benefits of farmers. Chen Xinjian etal.[11] believed that farmers are faced with diversified and complicated production and management risks in their production and operation. Under the risk environment, the risk perception and prevention attitude would influence their production and operation decision. In the study of influence of risk attitudes on the safe production behavior of apple, Zhao Jiajia etal.[12] concluded that fruit growers are generally risk aversion groups, but when faced with losses, they care more about risks. Besides, fuzzy risks and loss risks are important factors influencing safe production behavior of fruit growers, and risk lovers are more inclined to take safe production behavior. The study of Meng Nan etal.[13] showed that farmers’ risk awareness and bearing capacity positively affect farmers’ intention to participate in mortgage financing and behavioral responses. In the survey of 1 063 farmers in Sichuan Province, Wang Yang etal.[14] stated that, in the context of absence of risk response mechanism, farmers would select some irregular mechanism to deal with risks. However, due to limitation in post-risk management mechanism, farmers have to rely largely on the pre-risk treatment mechanism to deal with income risks. From the above studies, we can see that risk factor plays a great role in decision of farmers’ behavior, and it is worthwhile to introduce the risk cognitive factors.

Existing literature has studied the breeding behavior and influencing factors from government supervision, market incentives, access to information, differences in farmer individuals, and cognition level, but there are few studies on the influence of reduction of various antibiotic prophylaxis and risks on the farmers’ behavior of drug use in the breeding process. In this study, through introducing the risk cognitive factors into the mature theory of planned behavior (TPB) model and an empirical analysis on antibiotic prophylactic behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households in the context of "antibiotic free" production, we explored the response mechanism of "antibiotic free" production.

3 Model building and research hypothesis

3.1 Theory of planned behavior (TPB) In this study, taking the TPB model (Fig.1) as the basis, we introduced the risk cognitive factors to analyze the antibiotic prophylactic behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households. The TPB was initially put forward by Icek Ajzen[15-16]. This theory is helpful for understanding how farmers change their behavior decisions. According to the TPB, human behavior is the result of a well-thought-out plan. Since its birth, this theory has been widely used in many fields in foreign countries. This theory attempts to predict and understand people’s behavior by evaluating the potential deciding factors of behavior, including attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. This theory has been continuously improved and widely recognized and accepted. It was originally applied in the field of social psychology, and later it is gradually being widely used in other fields of research.

Fig.1 TPB model

5.4.4 The intention of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs is affected by their attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. The intention is affected by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, which conforms to the basic assumption of TPB. In practice, the intention of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs is also affected by their attitude towards "antibiotic free breeding", subjective norm they are faced with, and perceived behavioral control they possess (hypotheses H5, H6, H7 hold true).

3.2 Model building and research hypothesis There are many factors involved in this study, thus we adopted the structural equation model (SEM) to make empirical analysis. In this study, through the SEM and using the extended TPB, we used the partial least squares (PLS) to process the survey data.

The validity tests are mainly divided into two categories: discriminant validity and convergent validity. The discriminant validity is mainly to test the degree of difference between concepts (latent variables). The main indicator is the correlation coefficient between the AVE square root and the latent variables. In general, if the square root of the AVE value of a latent variable is greater than the correlation coefficient, it means that the validity exists and the difference is obvious; vice versa. Reflected in Table 4, the square root value of the diagonal AVE is greater than the correlation coefficient of the diagonal and other latent variables. It can be seen from the data that the data meets this requirement, so there exists validity. Convergent validity mainly refers to the AVE value, and generally, it is acceptable when the AVE value is greater than 0.5. According to Table 3, the convergent validity is greater than 0.5 and there exists the convergent validity.

Fig.2 Model for antibiotic prophylactic use behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households and influencing factors

3.2.1 Risk perception of unsafe products entering the market. The risk perception of unsafe products entering the market (also referred to as the market risk perception) mainly refers to the probability event of economic benefits of livestock and poultry breeding households due to changes in price and sales volume caused by residues of antibiotic drugs in the livestock and poultry products market. The behavior of consumers will affect the production attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households and enterprises, the re-understanding of market rules and the assessment of their own production conditions, and then they will adjust their production decision-making behavior. The stronger the market risk perception, the more likely the breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs to improve the product safety. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H1a: the market risk perception has a positive effect on the attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households; H1b: the market risk perception has a positive effect on the subjective norm faced by livestock and poultry breeding households; H1c: the market risk perception has a positive effect on the perceived behavioral control of livestock and poultry breeding households.

橡胶参数为硬度HS50时各项力学参数,根据整车弯曲工况的推力杆受力情况,利用管柱的平均应力计算出轴向力并考虑安全设计系数,在ABAQUS中的轴向力值为240 kN[3],约束推力杆一端销轴,再另一端销轴施加面载荷,整体应力云图如图4所示,根据计算结果推力杆各部件应力见表1。

3.2.2 Perception of system risk brought by negative information. The perception of system risk brought by negative information (hereinafter referred to as the system risk perception) mainly refers to the impact of negative information on the entire industry due to exposure of food safety accidents. For example, after the melamine incident, consumers not only reduced the consumption of dairy products of Sanlu milk powder, but also reduced the milk products of other enterprises, because they belonged to the same industry and the same system. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H2a: the system risk perception has a positive effect on the attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households; H2b: the system risk perception has a positive effect on the subjective norm faced by livestock and poultry breeding households; H2c: the system risk perception has a positive effect on the perceived behavioral control of livestock and poultry breeding households.

3.2.3 Pestilence risk perception. The pestilence risk perception refers to the breeding households’ perception and understanding of various risks possibly encountered in the production process, and the perception of pestilence risk will influence their antibiotic prophylactic use behavior. The pestilence is a prominent problem faced by livestock and poultry breeding households, manifested in the fact that if livestock and poultry are not properly treated, they will die, leading to economic losses for livestock and poultry breeding households; if it is a major outbreak, there may be the risk of "being overwhelmed". Therefore, livestock and poultry breeding households take various methods to avoid pestilence. At present, most households take the way of feeding antibiotics to prevent pestilence, so the pestilence risk will have a great effect on the antibiotic prophylactic use behavior of livestock and poultry breeding households. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H3a: the pestilence risk perception exerts an effect on the attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households; H3b: the pestilence risk perception exerts an effect on the subjective norm faced by livestock and poultry breeding households; H3c: the pestilence risk perception exerts an effect on the perceived behavioral control of livestock and poultry breeding households.

3.2.4 Deregulation risk perception. Deregulation risk refers to the risk that livestock and poultry breeding households do not comply with the breeding regulations and drug use requirements in the breeding process. It is a problem that livestock and poultry breeding households have to face. Government departments and relevant organizations will supervise the breeding environment, management process, and livestock and poultry products. If any problems are found, breeding households will be fined or even criminally punished. Therefore, improper and illegal drug use of livestock and poultry breeding households may bring potential benefits, but they also face risks. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H4a: the deregulation risk perception has a positive effect on the attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households; H4b: the deregulation risk perception has a positive effect on the subjective norm faced by livestock and poultry breeding households; H4c: the deregulation risk perception has a positive effect on the perceived behavioral control of livestock and poultry breeding households.


3.2.5 Attitude of breeding households towards "antibiotic free breeding". The attitude of breeding households towards "antibiotic free breeding" is the subjective understanding and value judgment of individual towards certain behavior. This attitude reflects the subjective understanding and tendency of breeding households towards "antibiotic free breeding". According to the TPB, the deeper understanding of breeding households about "antibiotic free breeding" and the more value judgment conforming to the antibiotic free trend, the higher possibility they reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs; conversely, if breeding households do not accept the "antibiotic free breeding" production mode, they will not reduce the antibiotic prophylactic use in the subjective attitude. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H5: the attitude of livestock and poultry breeding households towards "antibiotic free" production exerts a positive effect on their willingness to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs.

3.2.6 Subjective norm of breeding households for promoting "antibiotic free breeding". The subjective norm of breeding households for promoting "antibiotic free breeding" refers to the restriction of laws and regulation, policy support or resistance, support or opposition of relatives and friends, pressure or promotion of recommendations of sales staff or technical personnel in the process of antibiotic free production. According to the TPB, the larger the restriction faced by livestock and poultry breeding households from laws and regulations, government departments, and other important people, the stronger their willingness to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. Therefore, we put forward the following hypothesis H6: the stronger the subjective norm of livestock and poultry breeding households, the more their willingness to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs.

4.2 Descriptive statistics Sample characteristics were shown in Table 1. There were 215 sample households of chickens, ducks and other poultry breeding households, accounting for 53.9% of the total sample size. There were 184 sample households of swine breeding farms and households, accounting for 46.1% of the total sample size. In terms of age distribution, households aged 41 to 50 accounted for 37.3%, those aged 51 to 60 accounted for 27.1%, those aged over 61 accounted for 9.0%, so their age structure was mainly middle-aged and old. In educational level, junior middle school education accounted for more than half (56.4%). In the breeding years, 23.3% were 3-6 years, 20.3% were 6-9 years, and 20.5% were 9-12 years, showing balanced distribution. About 93.5% breeding farms had less than ten people. The surveyed breeding farms were mainly medium-sized and small ones, which is also manifested in breeding scale. Small breeding farms and households accounted for 81.7%, which reflects to a certain extent that small and medium-sized breeding farms and households play a great role. In the sales channel, 35.9% of products were sold through dealers, small scale swine sales was mainly through "swine brokers", chickens and ducks were mainly through cooperatives or chicken brokers and duck brokers.

3.2.8 Intention of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. The intention of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs refers to the willingness of livestock and poultry breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, accordingly realizing the reduction of use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. According to the TPB, the intention is the forerunner of behavior, the stronger the intention, the higher the possibility of corresponding behavior. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H9: the stronger the intention of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, the higher the possibility they perform the corresponding behavior.

3.2.9 Behavior of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. The behavior of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs refers to the actual performance of breeding households to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. Based on the TPB, the behavior is a direct function of intention and perceived behavioral control.

4 Data source and statistical description

4.1 Data source Shandong Province is a large livestock and poultry breeding province in China. It is characterized by large industrial scale, excellent overall structure, high production level, strong processing capacity, high export-oriented development, outstanding animal husbandry. There are many swine breeding counties in Shandong Province and the slaughter of waterfowl products ranks first in the whole country. In 2016, the poultry stocks reached 1 100 million, and the slaughter reached 3 800 million; the poultry breeding accounted 1/5 of the whole country, and poultry meat production reached 6.00 million t, accounting for 43% of meats, the poultry and egg production reached 4.96 million t, accounting for 17% of the whole country, showing that poultry industry is a pillar industry of animal husbandry in Shandong Province. Our team selected Shandong as the survey area, and carried out field survey in more than ten counties and cities in Weifang, Linyi, and Rizhao during April and May 2017 to obtain first-hand information. In order to effectively control the quality of the questionnaire, the survey method was mainly interview of breeding households. Finally, we collected 498 copies of questionnaire, in which 399 copies were valid, the valid response rate reached 80.12%.

3.2.7 Perceived behavioral control of breeding households for reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs. The perceived behavioral control of breeding households for reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs refers to the individual’s assessment of the ability to perform a certain behavior, as well as its cognition of various endowments and conditions. Based on the TPB, the perceived behavioral control of breeding households for antibiotic free production is mainly manifested in their reducing the conditions for the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, and accordingly realizing the effect on the intention and behavior. For example, if they can reduce the incidence animal diseases through other efforts after reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, so as to realize the antibiotic-free production. Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis H7: the stronger the perceived behavioral control ability of livestock and poultry breeding households, the more their willingness to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs; H8: the stronger the perceived behavioral control ability of livestock and poultry breeding households, the higher possibility they reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs.

Table 1 Statistical characteristics of observation samples


5 Empirical analysis

5.1 Measurement of variables For variables of this questionnaire, we adopted Likert Scale five-level measurement method. The assignment of variables had orderly difference in the degree, which ensured the validity of the questionnaire content (Table 2).

5.2 Validation of measurement model The measurement model test needs to test the reliability and validity of the scale. The reliability test was carried out through evaluating three indicators: Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE). It is generally accepted that when the CR is greater than 0.7, the AVE value is greater than 0.5, and the Cronbach’s alpha value is greater than 0.7, the consistency between measurement variables is acceptable. In this study, three indicators values were calculated by Smart PLS software. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of each variable was greater than 0.7, the CR was greater than 0.8, and the average variance extracted was greater than 0.5 (Table 3). This shows that the internal consistency of the measurement items is good and the reliability is acceptable.


Table 2 Variable code and measurement meaning in the model


Generally, antibiotic prophylactic use behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households is also a planned behavioral decision, following the deduction of TPB. As we all know, the TPB stems from a variety of studies in sociology, psychology, etc. The study of consumer behavior is particularly successful and mature. However, there is little application in economics and individual economic behavior decision-making. This study is about the behavioral decision on antibiotic prophylactic use behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households. It is the decision-making behavior of agricultural producers, greatly different from behavioral decision of consumers. In this study, we improved the TPB model, introduced the risk cognitive factors in TPB, built a behavioral decision making model for antibiotic prophylactic use of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households, and analyzed the model with the aid of Smart PLS software. The model includes nine latent variables: market risk, system risk, pestilence risk, deregulation risk, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, behavior intention and behavior, as shown in Fig.2. We divided the factors influencing the antibiotic prophylactic use behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households into the following types.


Table 3 Reliability and valid analysis of variables


5.3 Structural model validation The structural model was validated by PLS software to calculate the path coefficient. The model validation results showed that the hypotheses H1a, H1b, H1c, H2b, H3c, H4c, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9 were supported, while hypotheses H2a, H2c, H3a, H3b, H4a, H4b were not supported (Table 5). In the explained variance of the total model, the two variables (intention and perceived behavioral control) jointly explained 46.4% of variance variation of the behavior, and the fitting effect was better.

5.4 Econometric analysis According to Table 5, the model has a good fitting effect and has a good ability to explain this study.


Table 4 Correlation coefficient of latent variables andAVE square root


Note: The diagonal data in the table are the AVE square root, and other data are the correlation coefficient between variables.

Table 5 Model test results


Note: *, **, *** denote significant difference at 10%, 5% and 1% leavl.

5.4.1 The attitude of breeding households towards reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs is mainly affected by the perceived market risk. The path coefficient of attitude towards market risk was -0.174, indicating that the market risk perceived by breeding households has a significant negative effect on their attitude change (the hypothesis H1a holds true).


5.4.2 Subjective norm of breeding households is mainly affected by their perceived market risk and system risk. Generally, the effect of system risk is for all breeding households, which can not be controlled by ordinary breeding households, but they will be affected by system risk. Thus, the subjective norm of breeding households is affected by their perceived market risk and system risk (hypothesis H2b holds true); the market risk mainly depends on perception of individuals, and the market is an essential channel for breeding households selling products, therefore, market risk also affects the subjective norm of breeding households (hypothesis H2a holds true).

5.4.3 The perceived behavioral control of breeding households is mainly affected by their perceived market risk, system risk, pestilence risk, and deregulation risk. The perceived behavioral control mainly refers to endowments and self conditions of breeding households. These four kinds of cognitive risks exert an effect on the perceived behavioral control from different aspects. The cognition of market risk will allow breeding households to introspect their own drugs to avoid sales obstacles; system risk is equivalent to "wind vane", and food safety events indicate the development direction of the aquaculture industry, "green" and "healthy", "antibiotic free", etc.; the pestilence risk is the risk most closely related to antibiotic prophylaxis. The drug use in breeding industry is mainly to deal with pestilence, which has been verified in empirical studies; deregulation risk is the most significant for drug use behavior of breeding households; under the pressure of government supervision, breeding households will treat their drug use behavior seriously, to avoid the punishment or influence of their reputation (hypotheses H1c, H2c, H3c hold true).


The introduction and research of TPB in social psychology field is early, there are not only extensive empirical studies, but also systematic review based on these empirical studies, including HIV risk behavior[17], tourist behavior[18], and voluntary service behavior[19]. Marketing and management studies include online banking behavior[20], credit card use intention[21], and green consumption behavior[22]. Clinical medical and health communication studies include physician prescription behavior[23] and physical exercise behavior[24]. Such studies are often combined with the practice of China and used to guide and predict the behavior of consumers, patients, or respondents in the context of Chinese situation. At the same time of explaining and predicting the behavior of the main body, the TPB can also introduce control variables to intervene, thereby achieving the effect of improving or changing the behavior. According to the characteristics of this study, we used the TPB as the basis to analyze the antibiotic prophylactic behavior of livestock and poultry breeding farms and households.

5.4.5 The breeding households’ behavior of reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs is affected by their intention and perceived behavioral control. In a planned production behavior, the performance of behavior is not only influenced by "intention", but also depends on whether or not there is a condition for its own behavior. In the popular sense, intention means that "want to or not to" perform certain behavior, while the perceived behavioral control refers to the condition of ability of performing certain behavior. In this model, the breeding households’ behavior of reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs is affected by their intention (the coefficient of effect is 0.215), and also affected by the perceived behavioral control (the coefficient of effect is 0.622), indicating that the endowments possessed by individuals mainly determine their performance of behavior (hypotheses H8 and H9 hold true).

6 Conclusions and policy recommendations

6.1 Main conclusions

(3)在桥面上铺设双层钢筋网(上、下层均为B10@100 mm),靠近人行道时若铺装厚度不足,则调整为单层钢筋网,浇筑C40钢纤维混凝土铺装层。

6.1.1 The use of antibiotic prophylaxis by livestock and poultry farms and households is still very common. In the observation samples, more than half (61.4%) clearly expressed they would use antibiotic prophylaxis. The understanding of hazard of improper antibiotic prophylaxis was inadequate, only 32.3% breeding households believed that the overuse of antibiotic prophylaxis is the main reason leading to excessive drug residue in animal products.

6.1.2 The attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control of livestock and poultry households have a significant effect on their intention to reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, while their intention and perceived behavioral control exert a significant effect on their behavior of reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs.


6.1.3 In the risk perception influencing factors, market risk has an effect on the attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control, and system risk has an effect on the subjective norm, while the pestilence risk and deregulation risk have an effect on the perceived behavioral control.

6.2 Policy recommendations


6.2.1 Strengthening the training and propaganda of multiple channels and multiple media. The antibiotic free production for reducing the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs needs a certain transition period, both the government and society should take the preparation of "protracted war". In the propaganda of related policies, government and media should take the method in accordance with local situations, and carefully consider the demands of breeding farms and households, and formulate policies from the perspective of breeding farms and households. However, in case of involving deregulation behavior, it is required to bring into play the deterrent force of competent authorities.

6.2.2 Attaching importance to the functions of informal organizations and providing guidance and education. According to the survey, under the guidance of veterinary drugs or feed enterprises, breeding households have basically formed informal organizations. Once livestock and poultry problems occur, they will consult each other for treatment methods. It is recommended to bring into full play the functions of informal organizations, select representative and leader-type representatives, reinforce the related laws and regulations, guide farmers to set up ecological concept and health awareness, and cultivate scientific quality of young farmers, to make them have clearer understanding of the importance of environmental protection, so as to change the breeding concept and maintain the sustainable production.

6.2.3 Enhancing the subjective norms, broadening promotion channels, and improving the promotion mechanism of "antibiotic substitutes". It is recommended to take the method of "dredging and blocking combination", reduce the use of antibiotic prophylactic drugs, and find antibiotic substitutes to solve the pestilence problem. It is recommended to transform the situation of simply relying on the promotion by government departments, but mobilize various favorable resources, and establish a diversified substitute promotion mechanism.


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Chengxing MAO
《Asian Agricultural Research》2018年第4期文献

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