
Food and Space Seen from the Perspective of Anthropology


By the end of the 20th century, spatial relationships gradually became important as cultural, political and economic activities within the discussion of modernity in academia. Feng Lei constructed three types of space based upon types of human behavior: biological space, social space and cultural space. “Eating” itself is a kind of biological behavior, but is one which can transcend the meaning of the behavior itself; it can alternate and be juxtaposed with other kinds of behavior, and by doing so, highlights the meaning of other social behaviors. Therefore, to some extent, “eating” is also a cultural behavior within a specific space, and is a distinctive cultural behavior within the framework of different cultural models. Zhang Guangzhi points out that one of the best ways to understand the core of a culture is through its stomach. It can be seen that diet can precipitate the expression of certain cultural values. The purpose of this article is to conduct an anthropological study from a ternary perspective of space-food-society through an exploration of the economic, political and cultural role of eating behaviors within space.

Firstly, this article will analyze the dietary behavior from the perspective of spatial relationships, and expound the discussions from two levels: 1) space, diet and social relationships; 2) space, diet and politics. In terms of the former, the article takes “words” from the ancient sages of China and “collective food” in Western diets as examples, and proposes that food is not only a product, but also a process of social construction, i.e. the construction of the relationships between the people and the king, and the people and the people. Moreover, through food sharing, a kind of human to human bond can be created. In terms of the latter, diet is an important element in social space. When people enter the space, they also enter the interpersonal relationship shaped by diet. In any era, any society and any class, food is a basic and important social resource, as well as a special item. Therefore, using various means and power to control food within social space are behaviors to which social power must resort.


As for the “changes in dietary meaning,” this article firstly explains the connotation of “meaning” as referring to the meaning and connotation of food for people, and the information transmitted by people through the consumption of food. Moreover, the “significance or meaning” of food is also connected with the will and interests of the rulers of a country, as well as a country’s economic, social, and political destiny. Then, by taking the conclusions of Sidney Mintz about the significance of “sugar” and Jack Turner’s history of spice, as examples, this article attempts to show that food is a sign of a change in the meaning or significance of diet. The reason why the significance of diet has been remodeled is related to the fact that the appearance of social production and consumption has completely changed. For example, sugar, spices and even Chinese Shaoxing wine, in the face of globalization, began to transcend the local meaning of the things themselves, alternating and being juxtaposed with production, consumption and even power. In doing so, they highlighted the meaning of these social behaviors. In another sense, production, consumption, market and rights, can be expressed through food.

“Echoes or reverberations of dietary memory” means that the memory of food contains the “spirit or essence” of food. The essence of food specifically refers to the complex mechanism of social tastes and customs that have been formed from within historically related threads, but with a clear sense of historically transmitted homogeneity. Therefore, dietary memory is both individual and collective. The “individuality” of food memory is mainly understood from the subjectivity of individual taste; and the “collective aspect” of food memory refers to the fact that diet not only includes an animal’s biological identity in terms of food selection and adaptation, but also practices cultural identity in the social sense through taste, texture, etc. For instance, in modern society, because of the influence of the market economy, many things are no longer rare. Through agricultural technology, fruit that was originally produced in summer can be eaten in winter. Through improved transportation and food preservation technology, people who live far away from the sea can enjoy delicious fresh seafood. But, in people’s eyes, that which is characteristic is characteristic because what people can experience at that time is the culture of that place. In short, people are more willing to enjoy the experience of “meals and memory” in their minds than through “being personally on the scene”.

Finally, through a narrative of the relationship between the social relations, the relationship between diet and politics, the changes in dietary significance and dietary memory embodied by the food in space, this article concludes that the perspective of early anthropological research on food was mainly to understand people’s living conditions; such as to reflect on the overall social value of food through the role of food in specific social contexts, the role of food in rituals, and the emotional expression contained in foods, etc. However, in contemporary society, the study of diet and food in anthropology mainly focuses on the economic development and ecological value of the food system, the production mode of food in the ecology, the role of food in the political economy and the nutritional system of food. Therefore, from the early discussions on the social relationship of food in space to the spatial expression of food values in modern society, this article believes that food has undergone a change from “a diet in space” to “a dietary space”.

In summary, the author investigates placing food within the context of space to explore that the recollection from diet begins with perceivable spatial changes in daily life and the spatial experience at the individual level. However, when the changes of the times inadvertently interrupt the traditional food chain, the culture of food is faced with transformation and reconstruction which is reflected in the changes in diet and dietary significance. Space, as a carrier of food, has also been labeled as “modernity”. Therefore, on the one hand, the visual effect from “the significance of food ” fills modern society. On the other hand, the impact of nostalgia from “food memory” also affects people’s lives. Faced with this contradictory situation, the reconstruction of dietary memory has become the expectation and sustenance of people within a changing society.

Key Words:the meanings of food; the memory of food; the space of food



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Department of Sociology,Nankai University
《民族学刊》 2018年第02期

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