
Multidisciplinary Perspectives: A New Approach to Tusi Studies


The humanities is a science that discusses, analyzes, and solves issues related to the human spirit, culture, values and concepts, and, as such, Tusi studies should be integrated with the humanities. Seen from the perspective of academic research, Tusi studies needs multidisciplinary support during the process of its construction, thereby forming an interdisciplinary subject. The main participants in earlier Tusi studies were scholars of history, while scholars in other fields of the humanities, such as philosophy, literature, pedagogy, and art were less involved.

In addition to integrating the humanities into Tusi studies, Tusi studies should also be consciously combined with the social sciences, such as economics, political science, law, sociology, ethnology, military science, ethics, journalism, communication, etc. In a word, collaborative research between the disciplines of the social sciences can not only solve the problem of cross integration among each other, but also promote Tusi studies.


Natural science is a generic term for the study of the physical world, both inorganic and organic. It mainly includes science, Engineering, agronomy, medicine, and so on. If natural science is an objective understanding of nature, then, the humanities and social sciences are subjective with different positions. In the course of the historical development of modern science, the new scientific and technological revolution has provided a new methodology for Tusi studies. So, it is imperative to apply consciously the theories and methodologies of natural science in the Tusi research.

To sum up, studying Tusi issues with a multidisciplinary perspective is not only a new methodology, but it is also a new way to study Tusi issues. In Tusi studies, we should not only integrate our approach with the humanities, such as history, philosophy, literature, education, art and so on, but, we should also combine it with the social sciences, such as economics, political science, law, ethnology and military science, and use the theories and methodologies of science, engineering, agronomy, medicine and other disciplines in the natural sciences. Only by taking the concept of the “spatial turn” in humanities and social sciences research as an opportunity, using GIS spatial comprehensive thinking, strengthening the sorting, digging and visualized expressions of basic research achievements, promoting the crossover and integration of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, can a new direction and new topics be formed, and the deepening of Tusi studies be promoted.

Key Words:Tusi studies; multidisciplinary; perspective; approach



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Li Liangpin
《民族学刊》 2018年第02期

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