
States, Nations, Communities—The Experiences and Lessons from American National Parks Construction


The establishment of the National Park in the United States has its inevitable historical choices. With the formation of a new country, determining representative national cultural characteristics has become an important concern for the United States. By 1870s, the designation of Yellowstone National Park in the name of a nation means the reconstruction and the unity of the nation-state of the newly born United States. As a result, the National Park became a symbol of the nation-state, and a name card announced to the world.

The National Parks System of the United States, mainly includes two types: the National Parks and the National Monument: The former protects a landscape or nature area with national or global significance, mainly based on its landscape, enlightenment, education, and entertainment value. The latter protects a single, unique cultural or natural feature. Its main goal is to preserve areas of historical, cultural, and scientific value.

温泉水电站坝址河谷呈V形,河流纵坡6.9‰。谷底高程870 m左右,两岸山顶高程1 182~1 600 m,右岸自然坡角多在70°~80°之间,局部近于直立。坝址分布下石炭统东图精河组和第四系地层,岩体呈厚层状—块状。坝址基岩强风化层厚2~5 m,弱风化层厚10~15 m。左岸卸荷带水平宽度 3~15 m,顺河长 95 m,垂直深度约65 m;右岸卸荷带水平宽度2~5 m。坝址区地震基本烈度Ⅷ度,大坝抗震设防烈度Ⅷ度。

With the continuous development of the National Parks and the growing leisure demand of the people, the National Parks also embody more and more its role as improving the people’s spirit, science, education, entertainment and visiting base, which not only protects the unique natural cultural heritage, but also satisfies the needs of the contemporary people. This is the original intention of its establishment and the effort. By now, the National Park has been effectively linked parks with tourism, leisure and entertainment rights of ordinary people, and pushes the way for the protection to the two-way combination of protection and utilization.

In the process of the establishment and development of National Parks, good relationships need to be dealt with. The most crucial ones are resources, the environment, and people. Although the United States National Parks has left the world with an excellent example of landscape democracy and has many successful experiences and models which lead the world, there are still many problems that have not been solved as well.


First of all, we should emphasize national awareness in the construction of National Parks; emphasize the integrity and unity of the landscape in the name of the country, and implement vertical management.

For the National Park of the United States, the biggest problem currently exists is the participation of disadvantaged groups. Most of the visitors to the National Parks are white, and in general, ethnic minorities account for more than 20% of the national park visitors, although they account for nearly 40% of the population in the United States.

Secondly, we should attach importance to community participation. At the beginning of the National Parks construction, we should properly handle the relationship with the local people, especially the local minority residents; pay attention to the coordinated development of the local community economy, the poverty alleviation of the community residents; and encourage the local residents to participate in the planning, construction and management of the National Parks,

Thirdly, we must emphasize the importance of management of visitors. The National Parks are not natural reserves. The purpose is not simply to protect resources and the environment, but also to embody and play an important role as a recreational site. In particular, there are many tourists in China, thus we need to pay more attention to this issue.

In China, we need to learn the good experience of the United States in the construction of a national park, but also pay attention to their lessons.

Another problem is the indifference to the rights of the aborigines. During the establishment of the National Park, many indigenous people were forced to move away from their homeland. To some extent, the history of the construction of National Parks is also a history of many indigenous peoples fighting for their rights.

The third problem is environmental damage. The National Parks environment in the United States is not always in its original state, and its protection is not always smooth sailing. For example, the famous Yellowstone National Park, Niagara Falls, and the Plattcacasso National Recreation area have encountered many environmental problems. These problems existed before and still exist now.

The last issue is the management of tourists and poor service. The opening of the national parks to the public is a symbol of American democracy and progress. However, as more and more tourists enter the parks, the pressure of reception, and how to manage tourists and provide better services for tourists, become a complex and realistic problem that the park has to face now. In 2016, the national parks set a historical record of 330 million visitors. But the tight infrastructure, the lack of maintenance funds, and the shortage of search and rescue team members plague today’s National Parks Administration.

[14] Dana R. Dillon, The China Challenge: Standing against the Military, Economic, and Political Threats That Imperil America, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Pubilishers, Inc., 2007, p. 25.

Fourthly, it should embody the function of public welfare education. In the construction of National Parks, we should attach importance to the education of the people, especially the young people, thus embody the educational function of the national parks.

Key Words:national parks; state; service; community



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《民族学刊》 2018年第02期

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