
China’s International Strategic Thought and Layout for a New Era


From the 18th National Congress,which presented China’s grand strategy for the new era,1Yuan Peng,“Xinshiqi zhongguo de dazjamlue—dui‘18 da’baogao de zhanlue jiedu[China’s grand strategy for a new era—a strategic interpretation of the report to the 18th National Congress of CPC]”,Xiandai guoji guanxi[Contemporary International Relations],No.5(2013):1-9.to the 19th National Congress,which started China’s new journey of development in the new era,the international strategic thought and structure for China’s march from big power to strong power has been shown vividly not only in the written form,but is also a comprehensive guiding force for China in its international strategic practice.This has not only produced a number of major strategic results of historical significance,but will also continue to lead China towards playing a bigger role on the international stage.This paper is intended as a comprehensive summary of China’s international strategic thought and structure for the new era,based on China’s international strategic practice in the five years between the 18th and 19th National Congress.The intention is to deepen understanding of a cross-section of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics for this new era,and of China’s grand strategy in the new era.


Over the five years since the 18th National Congress,the new generation of Chinese leadership,with Xi Jinping at the core,has considered and designed China’s international strategy for the new era in the following six ways.

A.It has proposed a series of international strategic ideas,concepts,theories and initiatives,reflecting both historic inheritance and modern-day innovation,towards providing importantideologicalguidance for promoting China’s international strategy in the new era.Theory is a guide to practice,just as ideas are to action.During the different historical periods since the founding of new China,Chinese leaders have proposed and formulated international strategies carrying the distinct features of their times,towards guiding China in its international strategic practice during its different historical phases.This includes Mao Zedong’s strategic thoughts characterized by leaning towards one side,two middle zones,and the three worlds’division;Deng Xiaoping’s judgment on the international situation that a world war was unlikely,and that peace and development remained the main theme of the day,as well as his strategic thinking around“keeping a low profile,while achieving something”,“not taking the lead,nor carrying the flag”,and“shelving disputes for joint development”;Jiang Zemin’s elaborations on the global multi-polarity age and economic globalization,as well as his strategic thinking on an important period of strategic opportunities;and Hu Jintao’s strategic thinking on promoting the construction of a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity,etc.Although the aforementioned strategic thoughts all have different characteristics and carry the hallmarks of different times,they all embody similar concepts,including always judging China’s strategic environment from the viewpoint of international trends and the international landscape,always defining China’s strategic environment from the perspective of preserving China’s strategic interests and national security,always adhering to the independent diplomacy of peace,always insisting on non-alignment and non-hegemony,always striving for the expansion of an international united front,and deepening relations with other developing countries.

In considering and designing China’s international strategy for a new era,the new generation of Chinese leadership,with Xi Jinping at its core,has inherited the great achievements of new China’s international strategic thought,whilst also absorbing beneficial nutrients from China’s traditional strategic culture,and drawing on the rich experiences of foreign strategic theories and practice.It has combined these with China’s time-space orientation,its international role,and its strategic objectives,which attach great importance to maintaining systematic linkages between internal and external situations,as well as the dynamic balance between development and peace.The intention is to form a series of international strategic thoughts that carry the distinct features of the times,as well as China’s unique characteristics and international influence.

The most distinctive and pioneering thought amongst all of these is win-win cooperation and a community with a shared future for humanity,of which the former is the ideological basis for China’s international strategy for the new era and the latter is China’s vision of its international strategy in the new era.Since the start of reform and opening up,and especially at the beginning of the new century,China has held high the banner of peace,development and cooperation in its diplomacy,upheld the principle of peaceful development,advocated the concept of peace and cooperation,and referred to the concept of win-win.It was the report delivered to the 18th National Congress in 2012 that formally incorporated mutually beneficial cooperation into the core concepts of China’s international strategy.The report contained the following statement:“in promoting mutually beneficial cooperation,we should raise awareness of human beings sharing a community of common destiny.While pursuing its own interests,a country should accommodate the legitimate concerns of others,and while advancing its own development,it should promote the common development of all countries.”This thought expanded into a passage that was widely acclaimed by the international community in the opening remarks by Vice President Xi Jinping to the World Peace Forum held on July 7,2012 in Tsinghua University:


“Any country,while seeking its own development,should also give opportunities for others to develop;while seeking its own security should also ensure security for others;and while seeking better livelihood for itself should also allow others to live a better life.All countries should adhere to the principle of sticking together through thick and thin,of mutually beneficial cooperation,of the spirit of innovation,and an attitude of responsibility,towards joining forces to face various problems and challenges,as well as joining hands to create a harmonious and stable international and regional security environment.”1Xi Jinping,“Xieshou hezuo gongtong weihu shijie heping yu anquan—zai‘shijie heping luntan’kaimushi shang de jianghua[Go hand in hand in cooperation and jointly safeguard world peace and security—A speech made at the opening of the world peace forum]”,accessed November 15,2017,http://www.gov.cn/ldhd/2012-07/07/content_2178506.htm.


The reason why the idea of mutually beneficial cooperation caught internal and external attention as soon as it was raised is that it transcends the differences between social systems, ideological confrontation, and differences in values,especially the“clash of civilizations”played up by Western strategic circles,towards a broader world view that includes China’s relations with the rest of the world.This is an indication of China’s strategic confidence in the new era.More recently,mutually beneficial cooperation or win-win cooperation has become arguably the most comprehensively important ideological trend and core concept of China’s international strategy.This includes promoting the creation of a new type of international relationship with win-win cooperation at the core,building a new type of major power relationship characterized by mutual respect and win-win cooperation,and the principles of mutual discussion,joint construction and co-sharing proposed by the Belt and Road Initiative.These all manifest the idea of win-win cooperation.

If win-win cooperation is taken as the starting point of China’s international strategic thought for the new era,then building a community with a shared future for mankind is the ultimate goal sought by China’s international strategy in this new era.One supports each other and they are in fact two kernels of the same system.Since the report to the 18th National Congress formally proposed advocating the awareness of a community with a shared future for mankind,Chinese President Xi Jinping has reiterated this important idea on several major international occasions.This includes“China and Africa have always been in the same community with a shared future”,building a“closer community with a shared future between China and ASEAN”,firmly fostering the“awareness of the Asian-Pacific community with a shared future”,building the“China-Arab community with ashared future” and the“China-Latin America community with a shared future.”President Xi Jinping pointed out openly in September 2015 in a speech delivered to the 70th UN General Assembly that,“we must inherit and carry forward the aims and principles of the UN Charter,build a new form of international relationship with win-win cooperation at the core and forge a human community with a shared future.”1“Xi Jinping zai diqishijie lianheguo dahui yibanxing bianlunshi de jianghua(quanwen)[Speech made by Xi Jinping at the general debate of the 70th UN General Assembly(full text)]”,accessed November 15,2017,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2015-09/29/c_1116703645.htm.On January 18,2017,President Xi Jinping made an important speech entitled“Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind”at the UN Headquarters in Geneva,reiterating further the Chinese solution of“building a community with a shared future for mankind and realizing win-win and sharing.”When,after consultation,the 55th session of the UN Commission for Social Development unanimously passed on February 10 the resolution on the social dimension of the new partnership for Africa’s development,the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind was written for the first time into the UN resolution.1“Lianheguo jueyi shouci xieru‘goujian renlei mingyun gongtongti linian’[The idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind was written for the first time into UN resolution]”,accessed November 23,2017,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2017-02/11/c-1120448960.htm.Since then,forging a community with a shared future for mankind has become the loudest call and most distinctive mark of China’s international strategy for the new era,and also an expectation of China in the future international order.In the report to the 19th National Congress,building a community with a shared future for mankind is placed together with building an open,inclusive,clean,and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace,universal security,and common prosperity.This marks the first time that China has elaborated on the meaning of community with a shared future of mankind.

Second,the Central Steering Group for Cyber Security and IT Application has been set up with a view to building China into a strong network power.President Xi Jinping pointed out that national security cannot exist without cyber security,and that there is no modernization without the application of information technology.By June 2017,the number of Chinese netizens had reached 751 million,accounting for one fifth of the total number of internet users in the world,with an internet penetration rate of 54.3 percent,which is 4.6 percentage points higher than the global average.1“Chinese netizens have reached 751 million,accounting for one fifth of the world’s total,”accessed November 23,2017,http://media.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0805/c40606-29451289.html.Of the top 10 internet companies in the world today,six are American and four are Chinese.The newly established Central Steering Group of Cyber Security and IT Application focuses on national security and long-term development.It coordinates all the major cyber security and IT application issues relating to the economy,politics,culture,society and the military.It engages in research on and formulates development strategies,macro-planning and major policies for cyber security and IT application.It promotes legal construction for cyber security and IT application,and it strengthens security and safety capabilities.


“Whether or not the path of peaceful development can work largely depends upon whether or not we can transform the opportunities of the world into the opportunities for China,and vice versa,developing and pushing ahead in sound interactions with the world as well as mutual benefits and win-win.”1Xi Jinping,“Strengthen the Foundation for Pursuing Peaceful Development,”The Goverance of China,(Beijing:Foreign language press,2014),273.What is emphasized here is that the path of peaceful development cannot be taken for granted,as it has conditions,namely we should not only scientifically master the strategic opportunities facing China,but also give full play to our subjective initiatives to realize mutual conversion of the opportunities for the world,and opportunities for China.

XiJinping also pointed outthat“While pursuing peaceful development,we will never sacrifice our legitimate rights and interests or China’s core interests.No foreign country should expect China to trade off its core intersts or swallow bitter fruit that undermines China’s sovereignty,security or development interests.”2Ibid.,249.What is emphasized here is that we cannot engage in peaceful development merely for the sake of peaceful development,but that we must always hold firm the dialectical relationship between adhering to the path of peaceful development and protecting our national core interests.

Lastly,Xi Jinping also stressed that“as China is taking the path of peaceful development,other countries are also expected to go on the path of peaceful development.As long as all countries travel along the path of peaceful development,they can achieve shared development and co-exist peacefully.”3Ibid.,249.What is emphasized here is that taking the path of peaceful development is not a one-sided wish,but a call to all countries to share mutual affinity and to act in cooperation,jointly adhering to the path of peaceful development.Clapping cannot be achieved with one hand alone.Guided by this thinking,the elaboration on China’s path of peaceful development as China’s grand international strategy is more comprehensive,its meaning is richer and its significance is further reaching.As such,it is better rooted as well as more realistic and operable.

As for promoting a new form of international relationship,with five years’concrete practice and theoretical exploration,the report to the 19th National Congress is more comprehensive and precise.It has moved from simple talk of win-win cooperation to“mutual respect,fair and justice,and win-win cooperation”,of which mutual respect is the premise,fair and justice is the core and win-win cooperation is the objective.Thus,the meaning of this new form of international relationship has become richer and more concrete,serving as the periodic goal that China’s international strategy is striving for in the new era.

E.It has engaged in solving sovereign and territorial disputes with its neighboring countries by facing disputes directly,protecting its rights and interests firmly,and proceeding in an orderly manner,maintaining generally peaceful and stable relations with its neighbors,while defending China’s sovereign and territorial integrity at all times.Since the 18th National Congress,China has become more courageous in facing directly any territorial and sovereign disputes with neighboring countries,and has stood more firmly in maintaining its sovereign and territorial integrity.The basic reason is that with the passing of the time and with every change of situation,neighboring countries tended to neglect the strategic consensus or tacit understanding reached with China,frequently taking advantage of theirgeographicallocation to turn China’s good intentions into opportunities for winning tangible benefits of their own.As a result,joint development had turned into unilateral development,and resolving disputes had been neglected and ultimately shelved.Prior to 2009,although there were Frictionsbetween the countriesinvolved,the fundamental contradiction had always remained under control.However,the South China Sea issue has been escalating since 2009.If the situation wasallowed to develop withoutbeing responded to,orwithout countermeasures against it,this would pose serious challenge to China being able to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.On this subject,the new generation of Chinese leadership,with Xi Jinping at the core,has become more determined in mind,more resolved in position and more decisive in action since the 18th National Congress.President Xi Jinping pointed out that“the Chinese people do not believe in evil and are not afraid of evil;do not create trouble and are not afraid of trouble;no foreign countries can expect China to do business with its core national interests,nor expect China to swallow anything that undermines our interests in sovereignty,security and development.”1“Speech made by Xi Jinping at the meeting celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of CPC,”accessed November 20,2017,http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2016-07/01/c_1119150660.htm.Foreign Minister Wang Yi has stressed on several occasions that it is an unquestionable moral truth and beyond any doubt that China will safeguard its own territorial sovereignty and protect its legitimate rights and interests from being encroaching upon.1“Wang Yi said,it is unalterable for China to protect its legitimate territorial and sovereign rights,”accessed November 20,2017,http://military.people.com.cn/n/2015/0917/c1011-27597113.html.“On issues relating to territories and sovereignty,China’s position is firm and clear:we take no piece of land if it is not ours,and if it is ours,we shall protect it even if it is a square inch in size.”2“Foreign Minister Wang Yi said,we must protect our territories and sovereignty,even if they are a square inch in size,”accessed November 20,2017,http://www.81.cn/jmywyl/2014-03/08/content-5801203.htm.In the diplomatic struggle centered on the South China Sea issue,in particular the arbitration case on the South China Sea,former State Councilor Dai Bingguo joked that the arbitration result was“nothing but a piece of waste paper.”3“Dai Bingguo said,the result of the arbitration on the South China Sea is nothing but a piece of waste paper,”assessed November 23,2017,http://www.sohu.com/a/101703229_119745.The above-mentioned statements attest from different levels and angles China’s firm position to protect its sovereign and territorial integrity.On the level of diplomatic practice,China,withstanding pressure and remaining self-interested,has set up the air defense identification zone in the East China Sea,normalized patrol in the waters around the Diaoyu Islands,actively promoted construction on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea,defeated the scheme behind the case filed by the Philippines on the South China Sea disputes,and made great achievements that attract worldwide attention.Meanwhile,President Xi Jinping also reiterated that“China is willing to work together with the ASEAN countries to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace,a sea of friendship and a sea of cooperation.”4“Speech made by Xi Jinping at the opening of the 5th foreign ministers meeting of the CICA(full text),”accessed November 20,2017,http://news.xinhuanet.com/2016-04/28/c_1118761158.htm.In dealing with the issue of territorial and sovereign disputes,the Chinese government has always found the right tempo and maintained the right balance,while adhering to the principles of reasonableness,of being beneficial and of restraint.As a result,China has maintained generally good relations with the countries concerned,whilst struggling to safeguard its own sovereign and territorial rights and interests.

Accordingly,the four-fold proposal of win-win cooperation,the path of peaceful development,a new form of international relationship and a community with a shared future for mankind has become a complete ideological system.Within this,win-win cooperation is the ideological foundation;peaceful development is the strategic choice;the new form of international relationship is the periodic goal;and the community with a shared future for mankind is the ultimate objective.These are all closely interconnected,manifesting Chinese characteristics,expressing the spirit of the times,and transmitting the significance of the world.

Under this ideological system,a series of new international strategic ideas and concepts have been formulated since the 18th National Congress.These include:a holistic view of national security;major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics;a new form of major country relationship;neighborhood diplomatic thinking that emphasizes amity,sincerity,mutual benefit and inclusiveness;diplomatic thoughts guided by the correct view on benefitting developing countries;new development ideas of innovation,coordination,environmentalism,openness and sharing;a common,comprehensive,cooperative and sustainable view on security;a rational,coordinated and integrated concept of nuclear security;the concept of peace,security,openness,cooperation and an orderly for network security.Thus,views on security,development,cooperation,civilization,global governance and an international order with Chinese characteristics have gradually taken shape,and each interacts with the other and complements the other.This has not only become systemic and comprehensive,but has also evolved into a deep and concrete ideological system that is China’s international strategy for the new era,providing top level ideological guidance for China as it advances from big power to strong power.


B.It has established a set of organizational structures,by improving existing institutions to be able to provide organizational,systems and mechanism guarantees for the coordination and practice of China’s international strategy in the new era.Systems,mechanisms and an institutionalframework are allcriticalto ensuring comprehensive implementation of top-level ideology designs.Since the 18th National Congress,and in particular its Third Plenary Session,the Party Central Committee,centering around the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy,has set up a number of top to bottom steering groups,including the steering group for comprehensive deepening of reforms.Under this steering group there are offices attached.These offices ensure that the party’s fundamental policies and reform proposals are comprehensively implemented with a high degree of efficiency and pragmatism.As for international strategy,given that China is facing an unusually complex international environment externally,as well as the different demands of various interest groups internally,the existing organizational structure is no longer capable of adapting to the new changes in China’s international position and international environment.Accordingly,a series of new institutional frameworks have emerged as the times demand.

Third,multilateral diplomacy led by global and regional governance has been gradually realized.The APEC Beijing summit,the G20 Hangzhou summit,the BRICS Xiamen summit and the Belt and Road international forum have all highlighted the prosperity and bright spots of China’s multilateral diplomacy for the new era,in addition to the CICA summit,the SCO summit,the Bo’ao Forum and the Xiangshan Forum.China has invested positively and participated enthusiastically in multilateral diplomacy with unprecedented intensity.This has as much to do with China’s international position as it does with China positioning itself at the center of international stage,and also results from China’s views on international affairs,the world and the order for the new era.After years of practice and exploration,China has gradually found the main line of global and regional governance.It will utilize this to strengthen the diverse and complex multilateral diplomacy,whilst ensuring that this remains loose in form,and serves the overall situation and general goal of China’s diplomacy.Against the general background of declining aspirations among the traditional Western powers of Europe and America,as well as their decreasing input in global governance,while the rest of the world anticipates that global governance will put a stop to upheavals,help to maintain stability and promote development,China’s increasing input into global governance can be said timely,yielding twice the results with half the effort,and this has produced sound results that have exceeded expectations.

As the concept of win-win cooperation has developed into the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind,China has pursued a strategy of keeping firmly to the path of peaceful development,with the periodic goal of promoting a new form of international relationship.For the path of peaceful development,the new generation of Chinese leadership,with Xi Jinping at the core,has proposed a series of new ways of looking at how China can keep to the path of peaceful development in the new era,in accordance with changes in the international situation and new developments in China’s own interaction with the world.The new leadership has all the while stressed the importance of China“developing itself through striving for a peaceful international environment,whilst safeguarding and promoting world peace by developing itself.”This includes:

Third,the Central Steering Group for the Work of Maritime Rights and Interests has been established,putting an end to the previous situation of“too many cooks spoiling the broth”.In the past,17 departments,including the Navy,the State Oceanic Administration,the Ministry of Agriculture,and the China Coast Guard,were charged with the function of administrating maritime affairs,a state of affairs that was jokingly referred to as“nine dragons governing the sea”.Currently,China’s struggle in maritime rights protection is facing a highly complex situation,justifying the need to establish a body at central level to coordinate the work.The work at the core of the Central Steering Group for the Work of Maritime Rights and Interests is to coordinate and direct China’s development strategy towards becoming a strong maritime power.Since the founding of the steering group,China’s maritime rights protection work is characterized by completely new ways of working.Forexample,an air-defenseidentification zonehasbeen established in the East China Sea,patrol in waters around the Diaoyu Islands has become normalized,and gradual victory has been won in maritime rights protection in the South China Sea.This has all contributed towards powerful protection of China’s maritime rights and interests.

D.It has taken the Belt and Road Initiative as the pivot connecting internal and external developments,invigorating the overall strategic plan,and shaping the grand global layout as the objective of the struggle for the two century goals.China’s international strategy for the new era not only embodies the above-mentioned new five-sphere integrated plan,but also a new focus,with the Belt and Road as the pivot,the former as the concrete task at hand,and the latter as the key link,as once the key link is secured,everything else falls into place.As a result,the static strategic layout is manifested in a dynamic way,with the“wutong”(policy,infrastructure,trade,financial,and people-to-people connectivity)externalizing and putting into practice the overall strategic layout,in order to enable it put down roots as well as blossom and bear fruit.

The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed personally by President Xi in 2013,and it can be called a stroke of genius for China’s international strategic thought and structure for the new era.The Belt and Road Initiative has great and realistic significance in the following four ways:first,it serves the overall domestic development of China in the new era.Because of the Belt and Road Initiative,the economic zone in China’s west that previously had no economic and political advantages has been quickly revitalized,with traditional inland cities such as Xi’an and Urumqi transformed overnight into cities open to the outside world or into new Silk Road starting points,enabling the whole of China’s western region to warm up and radiate unprecedented vitality.This has enabled the western economic zone to co-exist and develop together with the Yangtze River economic zone and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic zone.Second,it puts into practice the new idea of neighboring diplomacy for the new era.The Belt and Road Initiative has embodied the principles of amity,sincerity,mutual benefit and inclusiveness,and it is intended to make the effects of China’s rise felt by its neighbors through new ways of interconnecting and interworking.It is also designed to forge a community with a shared future in the neighborhood,and to stabilize a complex region,bearing in mind that China has the most neighbors of any country in the world.Third,it reflects the obligations of China as a big power in the new era.Currently,with anti-globalization,anti-free trade and populism spreading unchecked,the traditional big Western powers have either kept themselves isolated or pursued selfish protectionism,resulting in world development at once losing direction.China has proposed the Belt and Road Initiative at just the right moment,not only providing public goods in a timely fashion for the rest of the world,but also gathering the hearts of the people through interconnection and interworking,as well as showing the world a direction for development that responds to the tide of the times.It is doing this by championing the principles of mutual consultation,joint construction and co-sharing.Nearly a hundred countries globally have responded to the Belt and Road Initiative,seeking to synchronize it with their development strategies,and it is a natural choice for them to regain their sense of direction by joining it.As such,the report to the 19th National Congress has appropriately positioned the Belt and Road as the new platform for international cooperation,and the new driver of shared development.1Dang de shijiuda baogao fudao duben[An annotated reading of the Report to the 19th National Congress of CPC](People’s Publishing House,2017),59.Fourth,it focuses on outlining the global layout for the future.The Belt and Road Initiative has increasingly assumed the profile of a grand strategy,growing from an initiative of the past into a grand blueprint today.Recently,Steve Bannon,the former White House Special Advisor to Trump,reiterated that the Chinese Belt and Road was a mixture of Mackinder’s heartland theory,Mahan’s sea power theory and Speakman’s periphery theory.2Dan Riehl,“Bannon:China Is‘an Enemy of Incalculable Power,Not a Strategic Partner and We Have to Understand That,’”accessed November 10,2017,http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2017/11/07/bannon-china-is-an-enemy-of-incalculable-power-not-a-strategic-partner-and-we-have-to-understand-that/.Although this statement is an exaggeration with heavy accent of supposition,it is in fact true that a grand global strategic layout with Chinese characteristics,emphasizing peaceful development and win-win cooperation,has surely emerged before our eyes with the full implementation and promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative.Even if a big or strong power of the world has its own global strategic structure,the development prospects of the Belt and Road have the greatest potential.Connecting China with the world,practicing the Chinese strategy of peaceful development,and forging a grand global structure through the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative tallies with China’s geographical environment and features,namely sitting firm on land while embracing the sea,and is in line with China’s general plan of rising in a peaceful way.

C.Having completed this comprehensive,multilevel and multifaceted international strategic structure,China has indicated its direction and path as it advances its international strategy for the new era.There are two important tasks governing all other tasks:one is to forge a global partnership network,and the other is to look for interest convergence of various countries.These two tasks are the most distinct characteristics of the major power relationship with Chinese characteristics.The former indicates that China has already relinquished its outmoded alliance diplomacy,its military alliance in particular,but it has insisted on the diplomatic concept of partnership without alliance.The latter indicates that China has taken pains to manage and control contradictions and differences,as well as focusing on seeking shared interests,while stressing on dialogue rather than confrontation.Below these tasks,there are approximately five pivots for China’s international strategic layout for the new era.

First,the double-focus(major powers and neighboring countries)structure has gradually taken shape.In Chinese diplomacy the wording“major powers are critical,while the neighboring countries are primary”has always existed,but which of them is the more important:critical or primary?The answer has never been unanimous.In diplomatic practice,major power diplomacy has always been the focus.People have gone so far as to use“priority among the priorities”to describe the special importance of the Sino-US relationship.Since the 18th National Congress,the situation has changed subtly.On the one hand,with the situation in the East and South China Seas as well as the Taiwan Strait changing so profoundly,the security situation in China’s neighborhood has become more intensified and complicated,making the importance and urgency of China’s neighborhood diplomacy more pronounced.Against such a background,China convened in 2013 the first session on neighborhood diplomatic work since its founding.This analyzed developments in the neighborhood and brought into existence the comprehensive design of a neighborhood strategy.On the other hand,with the advancing of the US Asian-Pacific rebalancing strategy,Russia expanding southward,Indiamarching eastward,Australiadeveloping northward and Japan moving westward,the forces of the major powers have already comprehensively radiated into the regions surrounding China,forcingahighdegreeofoverlapin majorpowerdiplomacyand neighborhood diplomacy.Balancing the considerations of China’s relations with the major powers from the perspective of its neighborhood diplomacy and the considerations of neighborhood factors in major power diplomacy has become a brand new topic,which China’s international strategy for a new era must tackle head on.Against such a backdrop,China’s external strategic structure has attached more importance to the balance between the major powers and its neighbors,as well as to analyzing and viewing the situation from the perspective of the trilateral relations of,for example,China-US-neighbors,China-Russia-neighbors and China-Europe-neighbors.Meanwhile,in its dealing with the major powers,China is putting emphasis on building a framework of overall stability and balanced development for the major power relationship.This means that relations with different major powers have different connotations.

Second,diplomacy toward Africa and Latin America which had been characterized by an approach that was down both flanks has been developed.As China’s diplomacy toward Asia,Africa and Latin America has deep traditions and a solid foundation,the question of how to upgrade China-Africa and China-Latin America relations,as well as to find a new orientation for these in the new era relates to whether or not the major power relationship with Chinese characteristics is able to proceed steadily and far.Since the 18th National Congress,the new generation of Chinese leadership,with Xi Jinping at the core,has placed clear increased emphasis on and investment in diplomacy with Africa and Latin America,and this has been planned comprehensively and from great strategic heights.During the BRICS summit in 2013 in South Africa,President Xi Jinping took the opportunity to visit South Africa to meet 14 heads of state of African countries.In the same year,when President Xi Jinping visited Latin America,he met with 8 leaders of the Caribbean states,and the following year he met with 12 leaders of the Latin American countries collectively.These meetings have laid the ideological foundation for China’s diplomacy with the developing countries,including the African and Latin American countries,for the new era.They have established the general principle that insists on the correct view on benefits as the general guidance for China’s diplomacy with Africa and Latin America.The correct view on benefits is intended to hold the right balance between economic as well as material interests,and international morality as well as responsibility,in a comprehensive and correct way.The intention is not only to promote the development of relations with other countries on the basis of obtaining benefits,but also to manifest China’s new responsibilities and obligations for the new era.Under this general principle,China is expected to strike a dynamic balance between obligations and benefits in accordance with the actual status quo of different countries.When it comes to China-Africa relations,China adheres firmly to the principles of sincerity,real results,affinity,and good faith.As for China’s relations with the Latin American countries,China has proposed the“1+3+6”cooperation framework and the“3x3”cooperation model.


First,a centralized,highly efficient and authoritative national security system has been established in the form of the Central National Security Council.At the present time,China’s national security situation is richer,time-space is broader,and internal and external factors are more complicated than any time in history.As the decision-making,discussion and coordination body of the party central committee for national security work,the Central National Security Council is responsible for the Politburo and the Standing Committee of the Politburo of CPC,and it is charged predominantly with the responsibility and function of coordinating the overall domestic and international situation,conforming internal and external affairs,improving the national security system and mechanism,and formulating the national security strategy.The establishment of the Central National Security Council enables China to better adapt to the new situation as well as tasks faced by its national security,and it strengthens China’s authority over the national security work.

Fourth,public diplomacy and cross-cultural exchanges have gradually become important supplements to China’s international strategy for the new era.As the ancient Chinese saying goes,“friendly relations between countries depend on the intimacy of their peoples.”China has always placed emphasis on cross-cultural exchange,and cross-cultural exchange has played an important part in the history of China’s diplomacy.But it is only since the 18th National Congress that cross-cultural exchange and public diplomacy have been given prominence at the heights of China’s international strategy.From this position,cross-cultural exchange has gradually become one of the three pillars,together with economic-trade mutual benefits and strategic cooperation,towards jointly supporting the overall framework of China’s major power diplomacy for the new era.Through practicalapplication,public diplomacy and cross-cultural exchange have for the first time linked government endeavors with civilian participation,leading to the integration of forces in the fields of culture,education,sports,arts,health,youth,women and locality.This serves China’s diplomacy for a new era,as a new dynamic and necessary supplement to political,economic and security relations.It also makes for a much neater and more orderly structure in China’s major power diplomacy.


Fifth,military diplomacy and struggles have made parallel progress and have also complemented one another well.As the mission of the military forces is to prepare for war,the core essential and due obligations of military construction are inevitably intended to prepare for military struggle.But preparing for military struggle whilst ensuring effective military diplomacy during peacetime is a new issue,and this calls for not only the emancipation of our minds,but also for strategic confidence.It can be said that China’s strategic structure for the new era has balanced the two well.On the one hand,the modernization of the Chinese military is proceeding vigorously,with military preparedness for struggle becoming more consolidated,while on the other,military diplomatic activities are active at levels that are unprecedented.Taking as an example relations between the Chinese and US militaries,the frequency,extensiveness and depth of the exchange and communication between the two militaries have left a deep impression on people,from the mutual visits of their military academies to joint military exercises,and from dialogues between their militaries to the national defense hotline,which has played a special and unique role in constructing mutual military trust and stabilizing strategic relations.

Fourth,the Steering Group on Deepening National Defense and Military Reform under the Central Military Commission has been set up.This centres around the goal of strengthening the military for the new era,and stresses“obeyance of the Party’s command,the ability to win victories and acting with fine conduct”,and it has deepened the reform of the military forces to a depth,dimension and extent never seen before.This has been achieved by“the Central Military Commission exercising overall leadership,the theater commanding responsibility for military operations,and the services focusing on developing capabilities”,and it has given a brand-new look to the system,structure,pattern and appearance of the PLA,as well as realizing a historic transformation of the people’s armed forces.

Fifth,the National Steering Group for Building High-end Think Tanks has been established to forge an intelligence platform for China’s international strategy in the new era.At the end of 2015,the first batch of 25 high-end think tanks selected for trial was announced,including 10 ministerial-level think tanks,such as the Central Party School of the CPC,the China National School of Administration,the National Defense University and the Academy of Military Sciences,as well as 15 specialized think tanks including the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.The ultimate goal is to effectively integrate the think tanks scattered throughout government,within companies,universities and even civilian entities,as well as to reorganize research personnel towards creating 50-100 national high-end think tanks,providing the intelligence goods needed for national development as well as to answer the intelligence needs of China as a big and strong power.

在粗铅熔析除铜时,各种杂质的脱除率为:Cu 90%~95%, As 72%~78%,Sb 25%~35%,Sn 45%~86%,Bi 8%~12%,Te 38%~46%。

F.It has broken new ground in various diplomatic practices regardless of form and convention,opening up new avenues for and giving a new look to China’s international strategy as it pushes towards the new era.Since the 18th National Congress,Chinese leaders have initiated various forms of diplomacy,such as the“acupoint visit”(South Korea),the“headquarters visit”(the EU headquarters in Brussels),and the“meetings of one to many”(meetings with the leader of 14 African countries and 12 Latin American countries).This is not only refreshing,but also fruitful.The most pronounced of all of these is the head of state diplomacy between China and the United States.The talk at the Annenberg Retreat(2013),the night chat at the Sea Terrace Islet(2014),the conversation in the fall at the White House(2015)and the long talk by the Western Lake(2016)between Xi Jinping and Obama were all examples of innovative forms.This innovation extended to the new US administration during the well-known meeting at the Mar-a-Lago between Xi Jinping and President Trump.Through these innovative forms,the heads of state of China and the US can bypass the red tape and communicate with one nother about their concerns in a profound way,achieving the results of increasing trust and dispelling suspicion,managing and controlling differences,and exploring new ways of cooperation.Take for example the meeting at the Mar-a-Lago between Xi Jinping and Trump.The heads of state of the two countries not only established a good personal relationship with each other very quickly,but also set up four high-level dialogue mechanisms for diplomatic security,the overall economy,social and cultural affairs,and law enforcement and cyber security.Not only did this immediately put the China-US relationship back on the right track,but it also helped to ensure the continuous and stable development of bilateral relations going forwards.Afterwards,through meticulous arrangements for Trump’s first state visit to China in the wake of the 19th National Congress,the above-mentioned results have been further consolidated.It is as a result of this that President Xi Jinping said to President Trump during their meeting in Beijing that they should“continue to give the head of state diplomacy a strategic leading role in our bilateral relations.”

The six above-mentioned ways vividly reveal the international strategic thought and structure that suits China’s status as a big power and focuses on China’s position as a strong power.From ideological concepts to organizational structure,from the overall structure to seizing the essentials and overcoming the difficulties,and to innovating the forms so as to give a leading role to the head of state diplomacy,all of this is refreshing,impressive,encouraging,and cause for relief.


With sound guiding ideology and top-level design,coupled with complete structure and key implementations,positive results are sure to follow.To state in brief,three major historic achievements have been made by China’s international strategy for the new era.


First,the China-Russia relationship has reached its highest levels in history.The China-Europe relationship has entered its best ever period.China-Africa and China-Latin America relationships are in their heyday,and China’s relations with Central Asia,Afghanistan and Pakistan have been generally good,all of which has enabled China to assume for the first time a geostrategic position of being able to look down from north to south and to stretch from west to east,all of which is of great historical significance.In Chinese history,the majorsecurity threats came predominantly from the western and northern fronts,whether during the long period of feudalism or relatively long period of new China.China had invested significant strategic resources,leaving it over a long period of time with no time or energy to cope with security challenges coming from the sea on the eastern and southern fronts.This led to the accumulation of contradictions and problems,and gave rise to a security predicament.The emerging situation of looking down from north to south and stretching from west to east has provided China’s international strategy with the conditions to face pressure from the East China Sea,the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait,as well as to solve the maritime disputes yet to come.In fact,guided by the new neighborhood diplomatic concept of amity,sincerity,mutual benefit and inclusiveness,China has maintained generally good relations with most of the ASEAN countries,and this has laid a solid foundation for China to deal with any relevant territorial or sovereign dispute it may face in the future.

首先在FPGA内产生频率为5 kHz的正弦波信号r(t)=V0sin(ω1t),用于调制DFB激光器,并同时作为接收信号一次谐波提取时的同相参考信号,将其移相90度作为正交参考信号r′(t)=V0cos(ω1t);然后将r(t)倍频到10 kHz得到二次谐波提取的同相参考信号r2(t)=V0sin(ω2t),并移相90度得到二次谐波提取的正交参考信号r2′(t)=V0cos(ω2t);而经过甲烷气体吸收后的信号通过滤波、放大、AD采集后的接收信号可表示为:

Second,China has expanded the living space,development space,interest space and strategy space for the Chinese nation in historical ways since championing the Belt and Road Initiative.It has also promoted construction on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea.Further,China’s geostrategic game with the US in the western Pacific has been turned from strategic passivity to strategic stalemate,and this is also of major historical significance.The historical significance of the Belt and Road Initiative lies in the fact that China has connected its own interests with those of other countries through peaceful means and“wutong”(policy,infrastructure,trade,financial,and people-to-people connectivity),not only making itself a stakeholder,but also engaging in fostering a community with a shared future.Operating under the spirit of win-win cooperation,China has extended its own interests in a markedly different way from the way in which the traditional big powers fought for their own interests with gunboats,and by imposing their will onto other countries.Rather,China is sharing the responsibilities and benefits under the principle of mutual discussion and joint construction.The historical significance of construction on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea is that China has stood on solid ground to build this infrastructure,with a view to improving the conditions for defending China’s territories within its own sovereign jurisdiction.This has enabled China to truly defend its own sovereignty in the South China Sea or the first time,by relying on its own strength and gaining a firm foothold in the South China Sea.This connects the 3 million square kilometer territorial seas with the 9.6 million square kilometer land territories,and lays an important material foundation for China to move beyond its status as big power to that of strong power.

From a contemporary perspective,the strategic game between China and the US in the western Pacific has grown out of the overall implementation by the US of its Asian-Pacific rebalancing strategy in China’s neighborhood since 2012,and this has exerted great strategic pressure on China and aroused China’s harsh response,turning the issue of coexistence between China and the US in the Asian-Pacific region into an important strategic issue.From a historical point of view,this relationship can be traced back to the Opium War of 1840,since when China’s influence in its neighborhood had been declining,with the influence of the Western powers growing in the region.Over the past hundred years,the American-led Western world has come from behind to become the dominant force in the western Pacific.This began in 1898 with the American-Spanish War.At this time,the US occupied Guam and controlled the Philippines,and this status quo prevailed up until the Second World War,when US influence in Southeast Asia continued to expand,and into the post Second World War,period in which the US scraped together the SEATO to confront“Red China”.China’s influence has resurged mainly since the 1990s.But in the historical circle,and amid all the changes in situation,China has risen peacefully at super high speed,and it has naturally regained strategic influence in the western Pacific.This is now an irreversible trend.However,the US believes itself to be an Asian-Pacific state,and is not reconciled to giving up its dominance of nearly a hundred years.As a result,the US has collaborated with relevant countries in the region,and done its best to maintain its dominance in the Asian-Pacific region.From Obama’s Asian-Pacific rebalancing strategy to Trump’s new Indo-Pacific strategy,the name and concepts may be different,but they are identical in terms of how they confront the rise of China’s influence.In terms of its economic and cultural superiority in its own neighborhood,China has been locked in an overall stalemate with the American military in the Asian-Pacific region for the first time in a hundred years.It will be difficult to make any fundamental changes in the short term,but this situation represents the fruit of China’s hard work through the utilization of both hard and soft power,as well as application of the correct strategies and tactics.Accordingly,it is also of great historical significance.

Third,China’s international position and image,as well as its national confidence and sense of pride,has been raised to historical highs through its participation in and management of multilateral diplomacy,through its involvement in and leading role in global and regional governance,by proposing Chinese initiatives,by making the Chinese voice heard,by exhibiting Chinese responsibilities,and by making Chinese contributions.All of this has led to China transforming itself from a regional big power into a global strong power.This is also of great historical significance.

It is certainly no easy task to make all the historic achievements within a period of five years.Nevertheless,China’s rise as a great socialist power,as the first big power with a population of 1.3 billion,as a power that has not yet completely resolved issues relating to its territorial and sovereign integrity,and as the first power with the status of developing country to reach the world’s center stage is certainly an unprecedented global and historical phenomenon.This elicits contradictions whose diversity and complexity are easily imagined.Some of these are structural,such as the strategic competition in the Sino-US relationship and the strategic confrontation in the Sino-Japanese relationship.Then there are long-standing contradictions that cannot be resolved in a short space of time,such as the North Korean nuclear issue,the South China Sea issue,and the cross-Straits issue.There are still other occasions when long-standing problems are resolved,but new issues arise,such as the protection of overseas interests,undertaking new international obligations.Generally speaking,it is not possible to resolve all these problems within the space of five years.It is worth remaining especially vigilant,given that the security situation in China’s neighborhood is getting increasingly complicated and severe,with the Sino-North Korean and Sino-Japanese relationships in a poor state,and Sino-South Korean relationship facing new tests.Rarely in history have China’s relations with DPRK,South Korea and Japan in Northeast Asia been as tense or poor simultaneously.Looking back at the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and the Korean War of 1950,China’s historical destiny has changed twice as a result of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.Whether the situation in Northeast Asia today will again impact in any comprehensive way on the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a question that naturally arouses our close attention.We are under pressure to find ways to resolve these complex issues as quickly as possible.Although the South China Sea issue is in a relatively relaxed position at the present time,China’s territorial and sovereign disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines have not been fundamentally resolved,and there is still the risk of inflammation at any time.Meanwhile the growing openness and institutionalization of American free navigation in the South China Sea has ignited the fuse for military conflicts to potentially break out between China and the US in the South China Sea.The sudden breakout of the Doklam incident has exposed the complexity,profundity and durability long hidden in the contradictions between China and India.If handled without due care,the Sino-Indian relationship could go the way of that of China and Japan,and this would surely not be good news for the rise of China.These problems are far from thoroughly resolved.

As the 19th National Congress has signalled China’s move from big power to strong power,the handling of unresolved problems on the basis of consolidating existing achievements will directly determine China’s historic fate.After the 19th National Congress,Trump became the first foreign head of state to visit China.This indicates that China is still putting the Sino-US relationship in paramount position.Following closely on from this,President Xi Jinping chose Vietnam for his first state visit in the new era,and took the opportunity of attending the APEC meeting in Da Nang to meet the ROK’s PresidentMoon Jae-in and Japanese Prime MinisterAbe Shinzo respectively.This reflects China’s aspiration to improve relations with the ROK and Japan.All these actions indicate that following on from the 19th National Congress of the CPC,China’s international strategy will continue to push forward and engage in innovative thinking,with a view to resolving the thorniest of issues in the region by extending the existing strategic logic and achievements.As Chairman Mao’s poem goes,“Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron,with firm strides we are crossing its summit.”If China is to become a strong power,the process is bound to be difficult,and there will be barriers to cross.But the five years between the 18th and the 19th National Congress of the CPC has proven that as long as we continue along the established track,prospects are sure to be bright.


Yuan Peng
《Contemporary International Relations》2018年第1期文献

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