
Effects of Qingshen granules on Janus Kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction



Renal fibrosis is the major pathological basis of chronic renal failure(CRF),and also a clinical feature of the development and progression of chronic kidney disease(CKD),which is closely related to the degree of renal inflammation and renal function damage.1Renal fibrosis is mainly manifested by glomerular sclerosis,tubular atrophy and disappearance,and excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix,which is caused by continuous synthesis and degradation reduction.In our previous study,we found that the levels of serum leptin and various inflammatory factors were significantly increased in CRF patients,suggesting that leptin and inflammatory factors may be closely related to the process of renal fibrosis.2JAK/STAT pathway is a major signal transduction pathway mediated by leptin.3JAK/STAT signaling is activated in the rat model of unilateral ureteral obstruction(UUO),which accelerates the progression of renal fibrosis.4Furthermore,the nuclear transcription factor kappa B(NF-kB)signaling pathway,which is the downstream regulated by the JAK/STAT pathway,is the main signal transduction of the inflammatory reaction directly involved in the pathological process of renal fibrosis.5Therefore,it is reasonable to infer that leptin can activate JAK/STAT signaling pathway,leading to the activation of NF-kB signaling pathway which induces the production of inflammatory factors,and ultimately resulting in renal tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and renal interstitial fibrosis.Inhibition of leptin-mediated JAK/STAT activity is therefore a potential strategy to treat renal fibrosis.Previous research has confirmed that Qingshen granules(QSG),which has the effects of clearing heat and dampness and promoting blood circulation,can alleviate the inflammatory response in the kidney by reducing the levels of serum leptin,anti-renal fibrosis,and improving the kidney function.However,the mechanisms for the signal transduction pathway of leptin and the regulation of the inflammatory response in renal fibrosis are not yet clear.In this study,a rat model of UUO was established to explore the role of leptin-mediated JAK/STAT signaling pathway in NF-kB pathway activation and inflammatory effects,and the role in renal tubule transdifferentiation and renal interstitial fibrosis.Additionally,we discuss the mechanism of QSG in regulating the leptin signaling pathway.


Experimental animals


该厂家使用的牧羊公司全套膨化生产线,其配套调质器为新型组合调质器,调质时间为240~360 s,测试产品为乌龟料。在调质膨化工段前后取5组样,并测试样品的糊化度进行比较。这5组样品分别为:调质前(样品1),调质20 s左右(样品2),调质170 s左右(样品3),调质278 s(样品4),膨化颗粒成品(样品5)。使用三层组合调质器,可以使物料的淀粉糊化度达到85%以上,成品的淀粉糊化度达到96%以上。新型五轴组合调质器对调质时间的延长,对于膨化沉性料的品质提高起到了决定性作用。

Drugs and reagents

QSG,10 g/bag,was provided by the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical Center(Hefei,China,batch No.20141023).Valsartan capsules,80 mg/capsule,were obtained from Beijing Novartis pharmaceutical factory(Beijing,China,batch No.H20040217).Serum creatinine(batch No.20151102,Nanjing Institute of biological Engineering,Nanjing,China),Leptin(batch No.20121215A,Shanghai Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai,China),P-JAK2(batch No.CA36131,Bioworld,Nanjing,China),p-STAT3(batch No.561201,Bioworld,Nanjing,China),MCP-1(batch No.131120w,Bioworld,Nanjing,China),NF-kBp65(batch No.GR194772-1,Abcam,Cambridge,England),FN(batch No.AE011910,Bioss,Beijing,China),and Col-Ⅳ(batch No.AD091929,Bioss,Beijing,China)were used in this study.


SPSS Version 17.0(SPSS Inc.,Chicago,IL,USA)was used for data analyses.Continuous variables were expressed as mean ±standard deviation(xˉ±s).All the samples were tested to ascertain if they followed a normal distribution.Data comparison among the groups was performed using analysis of variance and homogeneity of variance tests.Comparison between groups was carried out using the independent samplest-test.P<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

UUO modeling and drug administration

The total kidney RNA was extracted,and was dissolved by adding 30 μL RNase-free ddH2O.After that,500 ng of total RNA was reverse transcribed in 10 μL of reaction system[5× prime script buffer 2 μL,Prime Script RT Enzyme MixⅠ 0.5 μL,Oligo dT Primer 0.5 μL,random 6-mers 0.5 μL,and diethypyrocarbonate(DEPC)water 6.5 μL].cDNA was then reverse transcribed(37℃15 min,70℃60 min).PCR instrument amplification:the reaction system 20 μL(cDNA 2 μL,2× Premix ExTaqII 10 μL,10 μmol/L PCR Forward/Reverse Primer 0.8 μL,50× Roxanne Brown Reference DyeII 0.4 μL,dH2O 6 μL).PCR amplification program:95℃denaturation for 30 s after the start cycle;95℃5 s,60℃34 s,40 cycles.Ct values were recorded using the relative quantitative analysis,mRNA relative expression=2ΔCt× 100%,whereΔCt=Ct(target gene)- Ct(internal reference β-actin).Primer sequences are shown in Table 1.

Detection of creatinine and leptin in serum using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)

3 Ibars M,Ardid-Ruiz A,Suárez M,Muguerza B,Bladé C,Aragonès G.Proanthocyanidins potentiate hypothalamic leptin/STAT3 signalling and Pomc gene expression in rats with diet-induced obesity.Int J Obes(Lond)2016;18(10):1-8.

Detection of leptin receptor(OB-R),p-JAK2,p- STAT3,nuclear factors-κBp6(NF-kBp65),and monocytechemotatic protein-1(MCP-1)proteins by Western blotting

The total protein in the kidney tissues was extracted with RIPA buffer.The proteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE).The proteins were then transferred to nitrocellulose membranes,and blocked with 5%skim milk powder for 2 h.The blots were incubated with 1∶500 diluted OB-R,p-JAK2,p-STAT3,NF-kBp65 and MCP-1 monoclonal antibodies for 2 h.After that,the membranes were washed in PBS three times,for 10 min each time,and then incubated with 1∶1000 sheep-horseradish peroxidase anti mouse IgG for 1 h.Finally,the blots were washed in PBS three times,for 10 min each time,and electrochemiluminescence(ECL)reagent was used for developing the stained bands,and the blots scanned.The stained bands were analyzed with BANDSCAN software to calculate the densitometry grey value.

Detection of JAK2,STAT3,E-cadherin,α-SMA mRNA in kidney tissues by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR)

After acclimatization for 1 week in cages,the rats were randomly divided into the sham-operated group(normal group,n=10)and the UUO group(renal fibrosis group,n=50).Then,the renal fibrosis rats were randomly divided into five groups(the model group,n=10;QSG high-dose group,QSG medium-dose group,QSG low-dose group,n=10 respectively;and the valsartan group,n=10).The renal fibrosis rats were anaesthetized with 10%hydrate of chlorine aldehyde(0.3 mL/100 g,i.p.),and then the left ureter was exposed and ligated with 3-0 silk sutures.The ureter was mobilized but not ligated in the sham-operated rats.Administration of QSG began on the 7th d after the surgery.According to the literature,6the normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.

Immunohistochemistry of typecollagen(Col-)and fibronectin(FN)in kidney tissues

EnVision IHC technique was used to examine the expressions of Col-Ⅳand FN in kidney tissues.Paraffin-embedded tissues were dewaxed,subjected to antigen retrieval,blocking of endogenous peroxidase,and then stained with anti-FN and anti-COL-Ⅳantibodies(1∶100 each).PBS was used in place of antibodies in the negative control samples.The tissues were stained with DAB reagent and counterstained with hematoxylin.Finally,the tissues were dehydrated by 1%HCL differentiation for 5 s,tap water washing,gradient alcohol dehydration,xylene transparent,and then dried with neutral resin under dry observation.Image-Pro plus analysis software was used for the results analysis,with the average light density of positive expression(indicated by yellow color)detected.

Table 1 Primer sequences of detection index

Notes:JAK:janus-activated kinase;STAT:signal transducers and activator of transcriptions;α-SMA:alphasmooth muscle actin;E-cadherin:calcium-dependent adhesion.


Histological examination of kidney tissues by hematoxylin and eosin stain(HE)and Periodic Acid-Schiff stain(PAS)

The standard protocols were used for HE staining.For PAS staining,the samples were dewaxed,rinsed,and incubated with 1%periodate oxidation for 10 min after rinsing;Schiff reagent was added and the samples incubated in the dark for 20 min,followed by 5-min standard hematoxylin staining,and 1-min rinsing.Then,samples were dehydrated,mounted,and imaged under a microscope.


Statistical analysis

Semi-automatic biochemical analyzer(AT-648)was purchased from Shanghai Bomaijie Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,(Shanghai,China).The electrophoresis apparatus(EPS-301)wasfrom Amersham (Piscataway,NJ,USA).Gel image analyzer was from Bio-Rad Corporation(Gel Doc XR,Hercules,CA,USA).PCR instrument was provided by Biometra Company Biometra GmbH(T-Gradient,Goettingen,Germany).Pathological section machine(LEICA-213)and paraffin-embedding station(LEICA-115)were from Leica Inc.(Frankfurt,Germany).



BUN,Scr and serum Leptin

Compared with the normal group,the BUN,Scr and serum leptin levels in the UUO model group were significantly higher(P<0.01).Treatment with QSG and valsartan significantly lowered BUN,Scr,and serum leptin as compared to the model group(P<0.05 orP<0.01),with the lowest effect seen in the QSG medium-dose group(P<0.05)(Table 2).

OB-R,p-JAK2,p-STAT3,NF-kBp65,and MCP-1 proteins

Compared with the normal group,the expressions of MCP-1,p-JAK2,p-STAT3,NF-kBp65 and OB-R in renal tissues were significantly higher in the UUO model group(P<0.01).As compared to the model control,the expressions of these proteins were lower in all the QSG groups and the valsartan group(P<0.01),with the lowest expression seen in the QSG medium-dose group(P>0.05)(Table 3,Figure 1).

JAK2,STAT3,E-cadherin,andα-SMA mRNA

Compared with the normal group,the mRNA expressions of leptin,JAK2,STAT3,and α-SMA in the UUO model group were significantly increased(P<0.01)(Table 4).Following treatment,these expressions were significantly lower in all the QSG groups and the valsartan group than the model group(P<0.01),with the lowest expression seen in the QSG medium-dose group(P>0.05).Compared with the normal group the expression of E-cadherin protein in renal tissues in the UUO model group were significantly decreased(P<0.01).E-cadherin expression in all the QSG groups and the valsartan group were higher than the model group(P<0.01),with the highest effect seen in the QSG medium-dose group(P<0.05).

Col-and FN in kidney tissues

IHC analysis revealed that there were minimal expression levels of FN and Col-Ⅳin the renal tubular epithelial cells and interstitial cells in the normal group.The expressions of FN and Col-Ⅳwere significantly increased in the UUO model group(P<0.05),which were abrogated with QSG and valsartan treatment(P<0.05).The lowest expression was found in the QSG medium-dose group(P<0.05)(Figures 2,3).


The glomerular and tubular morphology in the normal group showed clear structures,with normal sizes and shapes.There were no apparent edema,fibrosis,and inflammatory cell infiltration in the renal interstitial cells.In the UUO model group,there was a change in the structure of renal tubules,with visible tubular epithelial cell atrophy,vacuole degeneration,tubular dilation,interstitial edema,inflammatory cell infiltration,and fibroblast proliferation(Figures 4,5).Nevertheless,this damage was alleviated following the QSG and valsartan treatment,with the least damage found in the QSG medium-dose group.



Leptin is taken known as the obese gene.Some studies have found that 81%of leptin in the blood circulation is excreted by the kidneys in rats.7In recent years,it has been demonstrated that leptin,as a mitogenic growth factor,has the immune and inflammatory regulation capacity.8Leptin is likely involved in the proliferation,hypertrophy,and fibrosis of the tissues.Experimental studies9,10showed that leptin can cause the hyperplasia of myocardial fibroblasts and the hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle cells.Leptin levels are closely related to the degree of liver fibrosis.11Moreover,the rise of leptin level may be an important factor in the process of renal fibrosis development.Leptin receptors exist in kidney tissues(specifically in glomerular endothelial cells,mesangial cells,and renal interstitial fibroblasts),which are activated upon leptin ligation,and thus participate in renal fibrosis.Studies have found that the degree of fibrosis in rat model of renal fibrosis is associated with the leptin level.12

It is suggested that leptin may stimulate the glomerular endothelial cell proliferation and the expression of mesangial cells.Due to the obesity gene mutation,ob/ob rats cannot produce leptin;although these rats are prone to diabetes and obesity,they rarely show kidney damage.When these rats were injected with recombinant leptin,significant proteinuria was seen,and the expressions of TGF-β1 and collagen type Ⅳ in renaltissues were increased,suggesting that leptin may promote the occurrence of renal fibrosis.13

Table 2 Comparison of BUN,Scr and Leptin levels in each group(ˉ±s)

Notes:the normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules;BUN:urea nitrogen;Scr:serum creatinine.Compared with the normal group,aP<0.01;compared with the model group,bP<0.05,cP<0.01;compared with the valsartan group,dP>0.05.

Group Normal Model QSG high-dose(16.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG medium-dose(8.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG low-dose(4.0 g·kg-1·d-1)Valsartann10 10 10 10 10 10 BUN(mmol/L)4.77±0.27 9.74±0.83a7.27±0.66b6.37±0.70cd8.07±0.34b6.30±0.29bScr(μmol/L)40.70±12.54 114.93±18.22a88.59±9.03b77.30±16.19cd95.77±13.59b79.70±27.76bLeptin(ng/mL)2.15±0.34 5.79±0.82a4.56±0.40b3.98±0.21cd4.93±0.67b4.00±0.22b

Table 3 Relative expression quantity of OB-R,p-JAK2,p-STAT3,NF-kBp65,and MCP-1 proteins in each group(ˉ±s)

Notes:the normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules;OB-R:leptin receptor;NF-kBp65:nuclear factors-κBp65;MCP-1:monocytechemotatic protein-1;JAK:janus-activated kinase;STAT:signal transducers and activator of transcriptions.Compared with the normal group,aP<0.01;compared with the model group,bP<0.01;compared with the valsartan group,cP>0.05.

Group Normal Model QSG high-dose(16.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG medium-dose(8.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG low-dose(4.0 g·kg-1·d-1)Valsartann10 10 10 10 10 10 OB-R 0.374±0.015 1.189±0.074a0.782±0.042b0.653±0.038bc0.983±0.056b0.741±0.036bp-JAK2 0.609±0.082 1.270±0.019a1.010±0.074b0.788±0.056bc1.018±0.081b0.860±0.0.40bp-STAT3 0.608±0.022 1.470±0.058a1.057±0.047b0.754±0.054bc1.077±0.076b0.835±0.058bNF-kBp65 0.318±0.094 1.067±0.025a0.549±0.019b0.415±0.034bc0.564±0.032b0.453±0.027bMCP-1 0.259±0.048 1.211±0.048a0.607±0.037b0.366±0.014bc0.832±0.032b0.637±0.048b

Figure 1 Expressions of OB-R,p-JAK2,p-STAT3,NF-kBp65,and MCP-1 proteins in each group

1:normal group;2:model group;3:QSG high-dose(16.0 g·kg-1·d-1);4:QSG medium-dose(8.0 g·kg-1·d-1);5:QSG low-dose(4.0 g·kg-1·d-1);6:valsartan group.The normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules;OB-R:leptin receptor;NF-kBp65:nuclear factors-κBp65;MCP-1:monocytechemotatic protein-1;JAK:janus-activated kinase;STAT:signal transducers and activator of transcriptions.

OB-R is a single transmembrane molecule,which is composed of 3 domains:extracellular,transmembrane and intracellular domains.OB-R falls into the class I cytokine receptor family,of which the subtypes are A,B,C,D,E and F.14Leptin binds OB-R to exert its biological effect.A study found that the level of OB-R in the renal tissues of UUO rats was positively correlated with the degree of renal fibrosis.Leptin was shown to combine with OB-R in renal tubular epithelial cells to promote interstitial fibrosis.In addition,leptin-OB-R ligation can activate JAK2,15then promote the renal interstitial fibroblasts proliferation induced by connective tissue growth factor,which is involved in the process of renal fibrosis.In this study,we found that the serum levels of leptin and OB-R were significantly higher in UUO model rats than in the normal group,indicating that leptin and OB-R were involved in the pathological changes of renal fibrosis.After a 4-week course of treatment,the serum leptin and OB-R levels of the rats in all the groups were lower than the UUO model group,suggesting that the renal fibrosis progression was delayed.

JAK/STAT signaling pathway is closely related to the occurrence and development of inflammation,which is the main pathway for leptin signal transduction.JAK kinase family consists of JAK1,JAK2,JAK3 and TYK2,all of which belong to soluble and non-receptor tyrosine protein kinases.16STAT is a downstream substrate of the JAK,and its family members include STAT1,2,3,4,5a,5b and 6.STAT3 and its upstream factor AK2 are more closely related to renal interstitial fibrosis.5JAK2 is widely expressed in various tissuesand cells,and its expression was increased in high glucose-cultured fibroblasts and mesangial cells.17STAT3 plays an important role in the regulation of inflammatory response,and its phosphorylation can lead to the occurrence of inflammation.In the present study,it has been confirmed that the expressions of serum leptin,JAK2,STAT3 and p-STAT3 in the kidney tissues of UUO model group were increased,and the expression of p-JAK2 in the kidney could be explained by the activation of the leptin-mediated JAK/STAT signaling pathway in the renal tissues.

Table 4 mRNA expressions of JAK2,STAT3,E-cadherin,and α-SMA in each group(ˉ±s)

Notes:the normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules;JAK:janus-activated kinase;STAT:signal transducers and activator of transcriptions;α-SMA:alphasmooth muscle actin;E-cadherin:calcium-dependent adhesion.Compared with the normal group,aP<0.01;compared with the model group,bP<0.01,cP<0.05;compared with the valsartan group,dP>0.05.

α-SMA 1.00±0.11 4.28±0.42a2.56±0.64b1.52±0.20bd3.19±0.31b1.77±0.13bGroup Normal Model QSG high-dose(16.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG medium-dose(8.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG low-dose(4.0 g·kg-1·d-1)Valsartann10 10 10 10 10 10 Leptin 1.00±0.12 15.40±1.39a6.27±1.33b5.18±0.97bd7.34±1.43b6.00±0.25bJAK2 1.00±0.04 8.25±0.73a4.76±1.08b3.54±0.81bd6.39±0.65c4.02±1.17bSTAT3 1.00±0.08 2.74±0.23a1.84±0.08b1.26±0.09bd2.51±0.14c1.34±0.24bE-cadherin 1.00±0.11 0.31±0.07a0.59±0.06b0.68±0.15bd0.48±0.05c0.61±0.15b

Table 5 Expressions of FN and Col-Ⅳ in renal tissues(AO ×10-2,(xˉ±s)

Notes:the normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules;FN:fibronectin;Col-Ⅳ:typeⅣ collagen;AO:average optical.Compared with the normal group,aP<0.01;compared with the model group,bP<0.01,cP<0.05;compared with the valsartan group,dP<0.05.

nGroup Normal Model QSG high-dose(16.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG medium-dose(8.0 g·kg-1·d-1)QSG low-dose(4.0 g·kg-1·d-1)Valsartan 10 10 10 10 10 10 FN 18.1±3.0 25.6±3.4a22.4±2.0b20.4±2.3bd22.3±3.18b22.3±3.2bCol-Ⅳ18.0±3.3 27.4±4.1a24.6±5.6c21.7±3.7bd24.8±3.9c24.4±3.4c

Figure 2 Immunohistochemical staining of fibronectin in rat tissue in each group(×400)

A:normal group;B:model group;C:QSG high-dose group;D:QSG medium-dose group;E:QSG low-dose group;F:valsartan group.The normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules.

Figure 3 Immunohistochemical staining of typeⅣcollagen in rat tissue in each group(×400)

A:normal group;B:model group;C:QSG high-dose group;D:QSG medium-dose group;E:QSG low-dose group;F:valsartan group.The normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules.

Figure 4 Hematoxylin and eosin staining of rat tissue in each group(×400)

A:normal group;B:model group;C:QSG high-dose group;D:QSG medium-dose group;E:QSG low-dose group;F:valsartan group.The normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules.

Figure 5 Periodic Acid-Schiff staining of rat tissue in each group(×400)

A:normal group;B:model group;C:QSG high-dose group;D:QSG medium-dose group;E:QSG low-dose group;F:valsartan group.The normal group and model group were given 0.9%physiological saline(1 mL/100 g per day).The QSG groups were given 4.0,8.0 and 16.0 g·kg-1·d-1in the low-dose,medium-dose and high-dose groups respectively,and the dosage of valsartan group was 20 mg·kg-1·d-1.The entire intervention course was 4 weeks.QSG:Qingshen granules.

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因为平均输出电压为20 V,平均输入电压为30 V,则PWM占空比D为0.67,最小输入电压Uimin为24 V,设电感电流的最大变换值即纹波电流ΔILmax为满载输入电流的20%,代入式(1)和式(2),得电感H为476 μH。假设变换器输出纹波电压为10 mV,计算滤波电容C

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参考译文:Konka Group has been granted“National Advanced Quality and Benefit Enterprise”and“National Customer Satisfied Enterprise”for several years.

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Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats[(200±20)g]were purchased from Beijing Weitong Lihua Experimental Animal Technology Limited Company.All the animals were housed in Xin'an Medical Laboratory of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with specific pathogen-free conditions,and had free access to water and standard rat feed.

Leptin can stimulate the expression of NF-kB in rat airway smooth muscle cells,promote the proliferation of airway smooth muscle cells,and the expression of NF-kB is related to the concentration of leptin.On the contrary,Leptin can promote the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells by activating the NF-kB signaling pathway.18It has been shown that there is crosstalk between JAK/STAT and NF-kB signaling pathways:NF-kB is a downstream factor of JAK/STAT signaling pathway,and is regulated by JAK/STAT signaling pathway.A study determined that following myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rats,NF-kB expression was increased by inhibiting the activation of JAK/STAT signaling pathway.Moreover,inhibiting the expression of myocardial NF-kB reduced the incidence of acute inflammation.19JAK/STAT signaling pathway mediates the pathological changes of renal interstitial fibrosis,which needs to be further activated by regulat-ing gene transcription and downstream signal transduction mechanism in the nucleus,such asviaNF-kB signaling.In the present study,serum leptin,JAK2 STAT3,p-JAK2,and p-STAT3 expression were decreased in all QSG groups when compared with the UUO model group.In the QSG groups,the expressions of MCP-1,FN,Col-Ⅳ, α-SMA were lower groups while E-cadherin was higher than the model group.Three doses of QSG were used,and the highest therapeutic effect was seen in the medium-dose.In all,these results confirm that QSG has an anti-renal fibrosis effect,whose mechanism may beviainhibition of the activity of leptin-mediated JAK/STAT signaling pathway,reduction of the activity of NF-kB and its inflammatory effect,and transdifferentiation in renal tubular epithelial cells.Combined,these effects of QSG delay renal fibrosis and protect renal function in rats following UUO injury.

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19 Lou L,Liu Y,Zhou J,et al.Chlorogenic acid and luteolin synergistically inhibit the proliferation ofinterleukin-1β-induced fibroblast-like synoviocytes through regulating the activation of NF-κB and JAK/STAT-signaling pathways.Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 2015;37(6):499-507.

Wang Yiping,Wang Dong,Jin Hua,Yu Min,Zhang Lei
《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》2018年第2期文献

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