
Rural Empowerment


Africa’s economic growth began to rebound in 2016 after a decline of more than two decades. The continent has made great steps over the years toward development. It’s the world’s second largest and the second most populous continent after Asia, covering more than 30 million square km and occupying 6 percent of the earth’s total surface area with more than 1.2 billion people.

1.5 IABP植入和撤除 经左或右侧股动脉途径,采用改良Seldinger法在PCI前预植IABP球囊导管(34mL或40 mL),确定导管位置后连接Datascope CS100型反机,予心电模式1∶1触发。IABP植入后,根据患者临床情况等,予低分子肝素30 mg或40 mg皮下注射,每12小时1次。待患者血流动力学稳定后可撤除IABP,撤除IABP的指征为:(1)停用血管活性药物且血压稳定;(2)尿量 >1 mL·kg-1·h-1;(3)呼吸稳定或动脉血气分析各项指标正常;(4)反搏频率降为1∶2约1 h患者血流动力学参数仍然稳定。


Africa’s inhabitants reside both in urban and rural areas. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 3 billion of the world’s population live in rural areas in developing countries,and the figure is expected to rise for the next 15 years. Africa’s population is increasingly concentrated in rural areas, resulting in both opportunities and challenges to sustainable rural development. According to the Population Facts published in 2014 by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, more than 50 percent of the global population resides in urban areas. It also elucidates that the global population distribution is expected to shift further toward urban areas over the coming decades so that by 2050, the world’s population will be one-third rural and two-thirds urban -mostly because of rural-urban migration.

Africa and Asia have the largest number of rural population in the world with 60 percent and 52 percent respectively. It’s clear that the two continents stand to be affected heavily by the rural-urban migration if no measures can be taken to cure the causes of this movement. It will put pressure on the urban economy to prop up the national economy, while wasting away the growth potential of the rural economy.


Africa’s rural areas hold untapped agricultural potential

Rural development

On the contrary, urban areas have thrived to the detriment of rural areas. More often than not, urban areas, with towns and cities,play a major role in socioeconomic development by acting as hubs of commerce,transportation, communication and government services. Rural areas have been left in abject poverty and a desolate state.


African countries have given minimal attention to rural development with most of the economic activities meant to lift the standards of living of the rural folks being left to the NGOs.

The growth of urban areas while rural areas remain underdeveloped has brought into sharp focus the need for policymakers to come up with apposite interventions. The emergence of rapid urbanization in Africa has exacerbated poverty and inequality,hampering efforts to improve basic infrastructure and deliver essential services in rural areas. According to the African Center for Economic Transformation, rural development refers to projects or initiatives that are taken by governments, donors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),and communities whose key objective is to improve the standard of living in rural areas - non-urban neighborhoods, countryside and remote villages. In rural areas,agriculture is the most prominent occupation, with emphasis being on economic activities relating generally to the primary sector, production of foodstuffs and raw materials.

Historically, efforts to develop rural areas began in the 1950s, but became pronounced in 1973 during the tenure of Robert McNamara – the fifth President of the World Bank Group. McNamara shaped the bank like no one before him, and firmly believed that the problems of the developing world were solvable. McNamara was alarmed by the abject poverty in rural areas, particularly in Africa, which made him propose the Rural Development Strategy in 1975 as the best approach to the war on poverty. The strategy in fluenced donor support for agriculture and rural development.

So why have policymakers and NGOs recently turned their eyes to rural areas? It is because of the demographic dynamism and the untapped development potential.

Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has initiated a range of reforms to boost rural development.The Chinese Government has eliminated agricultural taxes,liberalized local markets,and enhanced support for rural education, cultural development and healthcare provision.

Focus on developing the countryside is the key for africa’s growth and the chinese model holds many lessons

As a result, there was sharp focus from governments and donors on the issue of rural development as a strategy for empowering the poor. The bene fits were directed to those seeking livelihoods in rural areas like smallholder farmers, tenants and the landless. .

Technology changing lives

Africa has made numerous efforts to realize sustainable development in rural areas.Overall, technology has emerged as a key driver for rural development. It has simplified the way of life for people in rural areas both socially and economically. Services and social amenities that were initially a preserve of urban dwellers can now be easily accessed in rural areas. Technological advancements in villages have reduced rural-urban migration by encouraging “urbanization” of rural areas which has raised the standards of living in remote villages. It has also led to the growth of rural tourism in countries like Ghana where rural and indigenous lifestyles are marketed as tourist attraction activities, thus creating economic opportunities for deprived communities.

There has also been remarkable donor support from European countries for the agricultural sector - the economic mainstay of the rural populace. However, challenges such as demographic pressure with over 370 million youth joining the labor market and, therefore, leading rural-urban migration, lack of infrastructure, poor road networks that hamper market access for agricultural products, climate change resulting in higher vulnerability to droughts and water stress among others have slowed down rural development efforts in Africa.

为进一步提高抑菌活性,降低使用量,扩大抑菌谱等,ε-PL通常与其他防腐剂复配使用,协同抑菌。程涛等[20]研究表明聚赖氨酸在食醋中的最佳用量为60 mg/kg,并且聚赖氨酸与EDTA、山梨酸钾作为复合防腐剂时,抑菌率达96%以上,能有效延长食醋保质期。

Lessons from China

It puzzles economists that despite similar resemblance in terms of rural population between Asia and Africa, Asia, specifically China, has recorded impressive rural development and lifted millions of its people out of poverty. Then, how did China do it, and what lessons can Africa learn from China?

The challenge of rural development was of great concern in China, largely due to its vast population. To fully address this issue,the global economic giant adopted robust rural development policies in 2003, popularly known as sannong or the three rural issues, in a bid to build a new countryside.Sannong was meant to address three key issues relating to rural development - agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The ideology of the policy was to liberalize and to give more but take less in supporting rural farmers more directly, proactively and effectively.

The government was also keen in creating incentives for local financiers to support rural development. The bene fits from implementing this ambitious program were life-changing and empowering. In 2004,China’s grain output increased by 38.8 billion kg to reach 470 billion kg - an all-time high. These changes made agriculture a steady sector in not only improving the rural livelihoods, but also stabilizing the Chinese national economy. In 2017, China’s grain production reached 600 billion kg.

This is a perfect model that African countries could embrace by seeking bilateral cooperation with China. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has initiated a range of reforms to boost rural development. The Chinese Government has eliminated agricultural taxes, liberalized local markets, and enhanced support for rural education, cultural development and healthcare provision. Additionally,the Chinese Government has constructed roads and improved provision and access to clean drinking water in rural areas. With such efforts to develop rural areas, China has been able to control rural migration and instead incentivized rural dwellers to become more productive in growing the Chinese GDP. It is clear that China’s experience can be bene ficial to Africa. ca

*The author is a Kenyan economist,consultant and a regional commentator on trade and investment

Benard Ayieko
《ChinAfrica》 2018年第5期

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