
Sino-Mauritian Trade Heading for A Bright Future


China has marked itself in the world; it has trade partners all around the globe. During the recent years, China has turned its attention to Africa.

Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean, has also received help from China in terms of loans and foreign direct investments. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972 between Mauritius and China,the trade between the two countries has increased at a rapid pace.

Bilateral trade is moving forward

Following the implementation of an ambitious economic and trade reform program, the Mauritian economy has witnessed remarkable progress. There is no doubt that Mauritius’ growth performance in the overall owes to the focus on international trade. Mauritius’international trade has expanded following trade reform in the country. While export has increased by more than 40%after 10 years, import figures have also nearly doubled. The gap between Mauritius’ import and export has further widened. The trade deficit has nearly tripled in 2015 becoming a total of USD 2.31 billion. The total value of imports was always higher than that of exports leading to this enormous trade deficit.



It is undeniable that the bilateral trade between the two sides has shown rapid development, but there are some issues that deserve attention.

第一,福建小学学校的数量和施教人数逐年增加。“二十九年改制之初,设中心学校875校、国民学校3700校、私立小学586校、共4161校① 原文计算有误,应为5161校。,施教人数小学部514490人。三十年中心学校增为1164校、国民学校增为3782校、私立小学516校、共5462校、施教人数小学部648551人。三十一年中心学校增为1349校、国民学校增为4041校、私立小学468校、共5732校②原文计算有误,应为5858校。、施教人数小学部634562人。”[27]13三年间,小学学校的数量增长了1571所,施教人数仅小学部就增长了120072人。

There are many factors that are barriers for Sino-Mauritian trade. For instance, Mauritius is a small island located in a relatively remote place.Being in an isolated place also implies that shipping costs will be high and less trade will occur. Language is another barrier that affects trade between the two. Also, even though China and Mauritius have enjoyed a beneficial relationship, there have not been yet concrete free trade agreements between the two.

China has evolved into one of Mauritius’ major import partners over the years. According to the data obtained from UNcomtrade, Mauritius’imports from China consist mainly of electrical machinery and equipment,nuclear reactors and mechanical appliances, and cotton. Electrical machinery and equipment represent a quarter of total goods imported from China, while nuclear reactors and mechanical appliances and cotton represent 12.4% and 9% respectively of total imports. Altogether, China is currently considered to be the largest supplier of manufactured products to Mauritius.


Setting up of trade agreements.The main purpose of trade agreements is to reduce or eliminate tariffs, quotas or other trade restrictions on goods that are traded between the countries concerned. So far, there are no concrete free trade agreements signed between Mauritius and China. In 2016, China and Mauritius have announced to launch the FTA Joint Feasibility Study which has proved that the signing of FTA can further enhance the trade and economic relations between China and Mauritius.However, the China-Mauritius FTA is still under negotiation. This agreement,if officially signed, will not only further expand bilateral trade between the two sides but also help China’s relationship with Africa and promote the Belt and Road Initiative in Africa (MOFCOM).

Problems are still undergoing

The Asian continent remained the main supplier of Mauritius with imports accounting for 55.49% in 2015 compared to 47.52% in 2005. Mauritius has been trading a lot with China these past years. They have enjoyed a good trade relationship. China has reached the top of Mauritius’ imports list, reaching USD 0.8 billion in 2015. Imports from China represented 18.04% of total imports in 2015, which accounts for one third of the Asian imports. Mauritian imports from China have increased by 10% in a lap of 20 years.

It is obvious that since 1993, Mauritius has been importing more from China and exporting less to China.This have given rise to an enormous trade deficit which has reach an amount of USD 0.79 billion in 2015. Even though this trade deficit is favorableto Mauritius in the short-term such as decreasing the rate of inflation, rising standard of living and most obviously benefiting from lower prices of foreign products, there still exists threats in the long term. For instance, a country that maintains a structural trade deficit against another country shows dependency to the latter. Mauritius is more dependent to China for particular imported products. Trade deficit in the long term can also cause problems such as a decrease in real GDP, a rise in unemployment and a rise of prices of local products.

Figure 1: Mauritius’ main commodities imported from China

Source: UNcomtrade

Besides, there are still some trade Frictions between the two sides that cannot be ignored. The textile and clothing industry is considered as one of the main industries in the Mauritian economy. This industry has played an important role in the development and transformation of the Mauritian economy; however it has been facing challenges with the rise of China. In March 2004, Mauritius, alongside other African countries, has signed the “Istanbul Declaration”. The main reason was that the rapid growth of Chinese textile and clothing industry has a great impact on the textile and clothing of some African countries. These countries have demanded to extend restrictions on the removal of textile quotas.

Total exports of goods to China have increased in the past years, but the amount of exports to China is still too small. Export to China is insignificant.It represented only about 3.2% of export to Asian countries in 2015 and a mere 0.78% of Mauritian total exports.Europe remained the main export market for Mauritian products accounting for the largest share in total exports,namely some 42.14% in 2015.

Regulation of trade behaviors.There is in fact some kind of unfair competition in China’s export, and also the quality of Chinese products should be improved. Therefore, there is a need for China to regulate and standardize trade behaviors and practices when trading with Mauritius and also to improve the quality of trade. International laws should be applied for unreasonable trade protection.

Figure 2: Mauritius’ main commodities exported to China

However, in order to achieve better results it is necessary to take some actions to resolve these conflicts so as to promote the common development of China and Mauritius. On the basis of mutual benefits and common development of China and Mauritius, the following suggestions are made:

While the three main importing commodities of Mauritius from China are electrical machinery and equipment, nuclear reactors and mechanical appliances, and cotton, exported goods to China consists mainly of Mauritius abundant sea products. China’s imports from Mauritius are made up of mainly of fish and fish preparations which represent about 40% of total exports to China, and of manufactured products.Mauritius’ exports to China have therefore remained marginal for years.

Optimization of trade structure.As can be observed, there is an imbalance in trade between China and Mauritius. Mauritius’ imports from China have been greater than its exports,which has lead to a trade deficit. The gap has been increasing year after year.In order to reduce this gap and improve the trade balance of Sino-Mauritian trade, China can promote Mauritius’export of high quality product. Also,China can provide more aid to Mauritius through loans or investments to develop infrastructure, transportation and logistics in order to reduce trade costs and to reduce the gap between import and export.

Enhance exchange and cooperation. In order to strengthen bilateral trade between China and Mauritius,exchanges and cooperation between the two sides should be enhanced.Various forms of cooperation can be launched such as investment, education, cultural exchange and so on, in order to improve the economic status of Mauritius. China, who has more advanced technologies and expertise in different fields, can provide aid to further develop Mauritius in a way that it not only promotes the bilateral trade between China and Mauritius but also the relationship between China and Africa as Mauritius can act as a bridge that connects the two.

It is still possible for both countries to further develop and enhance the bilateral trade between them – by working together so that the two countries can achieve optimal results.


Zhijie Guan,Jim Ip Ping Sheong
《China's Foreign Trade》2018年第2期文献

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