
关于 J - quasipolar环


1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, R denotes a ring with an identity. J(R) and U(R) will denote, respectively, the Jacobson radical and the group of units in R. And J#(R)={xR|xnJ(R)}. For an element aR, we define the commutant and double commutant of a by comm(a)={xR|ax=xa}, comm2(a)={xR|xy=yx,∀ycomm(a)} , respectively.

From [1] Cui Jian and Chen Jianlong called aR is J-quasipolar if there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+pJ(R). The idempotent p satisfying the above conditions is called J-spectral idempotent of a. A ring R is said to be J-quasipolar if each element of R is J-quasipolar. For convenience, we list several results which will be used in the sequel.


We called idempotents lift (*) modulo I if a2-aI, then there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that e-aI .

Theorem 1[1,Corollary2.3] If R is J-quasipolar, then 2∈J(R).

Theorem 2[1,Theorem2.9] Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) R is a J-quasipolar.

2.2.2 作为饲料添加剂。微生物制剂中所包含的有益菌经过养殖动物的胃肠道以起到相应的作用,因此,加工的微生物制剂需要满足胃肠道的环境要求。目前,市场中饲料的质量千差万别,水产养殖人员往往选择口碑比较好的饲料,其质量有些时候同样无法得到保障,在养殖动物出现摄食量少、活力不强、肉质虚肥及体色发黑等情况时,初步判定为是由于营养不良,营养不良会对水产品的生长与免疫力造成巨大影响。此时,在饲料中拌入适量的微生物制剂,如EM菌等,可有效调节养殖动物肠道内的菌群平衡,促进有益菌生长、繁殖,增强对饵料的消化吸收能力,促进其生长,这是常规药物所不能比拟的。

(2) R/J(R) is Boolean and idempotents lift (*) modulo J(R).

(3) R/J(R) is Boolean and R is quasipolar .


Theorem 3[2,Theorem2.7] A ring R is strongly nil-clean if R/J(R) is boolean and J(R) is nil.

2 Structure theorem

In this section, we prove a new characteration of the properties of J-quasipolar rings.

Theorem 4 Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

Corollary 2 Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(2) For any aR , there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+pJ#(R) .

(3) For any aR , there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a-pJ#(R) .

Proof (1)⟹(2) is clear .

(2)⟹(1). Let aR, then consider -aR , we have -a+pJ#(R), let -a+p=w, where wnJ(R), set it is clear that since wnJ(R), then is nilpotent of since pcomm2(a), then Thus is strongly nil clean. By Theorem 3, is Boolean. Since then we have is Boolean, and it is obvious that idempotents lift (*) modulo J(R). By Theorem 2, R is J-quasipolar.


(1)⟺(3) Applying the preceding argument to -a, we easily ontain the result.

Corollary 1 Let R be a ring. Then R is a J-quasipolar ring if and only if

(1) R/J(R) is Boolean;

(2) If a-a2J#(R), then there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a-pJ#(R) .

Proof  ⟸ is clear.

⟹ for each aR, since R/J(R) is Boolean, then we have that is a-a2J(R), thus a-a2J#(R), then there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a-pJ#(R), by Theorem 4, R is J-quasipolar.

Theorem 5 R is a J-quasipolar ring if and only if

(1) 2∈J(R);

(2) For each aR,there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a-pJ(R) or a+pJ(R).

Proof ⟸ is clear.

(2) For any aR, there exist p2=pcomm2(a) such that apJ#(R), (1-p)(1-a)∈J#(R).

Example 1 In Theorem 5, the condition 2∈J(R) is essential. Let R=Z3, then for each aR,there exists e2=ecomm2(a) such that a-eJ(R) or a+eJ(R). But 2∉J(R), Thus R is not J-quasipolar.

(1) R is a J-quasipolar ring.

(1) R is a J-quasipolar ring.

(2) 2∈J(R) and for any aR, there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a2-pJ(R).

Proof By Theorem 5, we know that (1)⟹(2) is clear. Then consider (2)⟹(1), since a2-eJ(R), we have (a+e)(a-e)∈J(R),that is (a+e)(a+e-2e)∈J(R),(a+e)2-2e(a+e)∈J(R). Since 2∈J(R), then (a+e)2J(R), that is a+eJ#(R). By Theorem 4, R is a J-quasipolar ring.

(2) For any aR , there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+p,a-pJ(R).

(1) R is a J-quasipolar ring.

(2)⟹(3) This is trivial.

⟹ Suppose for each aR,there exists e2=ecomm2(a) such that a-eJ(R) or a+eJ(R) and 2∈J(R). That is (a-e)(a+e)∈J(R),(a+e-2e)(a+e)∈J(R),(a+e)2-2e(a+e)∈J(R). Since 2∈J(R), then (a+e)2J(R), that is a+eJ#(R). From Theorem 4 we know that R is J-quasipolar.

Proof (1)⟹(2) is clear.

(2)⟹(1), We have apJ#(R), (1-p)(1-a)∈J#(R). Consider (ap-(1-p)(1-a))k. Because there exists k,lN such that (ap)kJ(R) and ((1-p)(1-a))lJ(R). Choose m=max(k,l). Then (ap-(1-p)(1-a))mJ(R), that is (a-(1-p))mJ(R). Set f=1-p, since p2=pcomm2(a), we check that f2=fcomm2(a) and a-fJ#(R), From Theorem 4, R is a J-quasipolar ring.

Recall that a ring R is strongly J#-clean if for any aR, there exists an idempotent pR such that a-pJ#(R) and ap=pa.

Theorem 7 A ring R is J-quasipolar ring if and only if


(1) R is a quasipolar ring;

(2) R is a strongly J#-clean ring.

(1) R is a nil-quasipolar ring.

⟹ Let aR. By (2), there exists e=e2comm(a) such that (a-e)nJ(R). By (1), we can find f=f2comm2(a) such that a-fU(R). This implies that ef=fe, and so e-f=(a-f)-(a-e)=(a-f)(1-(a-f)-1(a-e))∈U(R). Since (e-f)(e+f)=e-f, we see that e+f=1, and so e=1-fcomm2(a). Therefore R is J-quasipolar by Theorem 4.

3 Extensions

The main purpose of this section is to investigate the necessary and sufficient conditions for T2(R) over a commutative local ring R to be J-quasipolar.

Theorem 8 Let R be a commutative local ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) T2(R) is a J-quasipolar ring.

(2) For any AT2(R) , there exist E2=Ecomm2(A) and A+EJ(T2(R)) or A-EJ(T2(R)).

(3) R is a J-quasipolar ring.

Proof (1)⟹(2) is clear.

(2)⟹(3) ∀aR,write then AT2(R), there exists E2=Ecomm2(A) and A+EJ(T2(R)) or A-EJ(T2(R)), write where e2=ecomma2(a),f2=fcomma2(a),xR.

Case I if A+EJ(T2(R)), then we have thus a+e,-a+fJ(R), thus there exists f2=fcomma2(a) such that a-fJ(R),R is J-quasipolar.

Case II if A-EJ(T2(R)), then thus a-e,-a-fJ(R), thus there exists e2=ecomma2(a) such that a-eJ(R),R is J-quasipolar.

(3)⟹(1) Since R is local and J-quasipolar, by [1,Theorem 2.11] we know R/J(R)≅Z2. And because R is commutative and local, from [2] we know that R is uniquely bleached. Then because R is uniquely bleached and R/J(R)≅Z2, by [1,Theorem 3.3] we have T2(R) is J-quasipolar.



But we do have the following:


Theorem 9 Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) R is a J-quasipolar ring.

Theorem 6 Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(3) For any aR , there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+p,a-pJ#(R).


Proof (1)⟹(2) Clearly, 2∈J(R). let aR. Then there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+pJ(R). Thus, a-p=(a+p)-2pJ(R), as desired.

1.4 动物分组及处理 将20只成瘤后的裸鼠随机分成:对照组、阿霉素组、苦参素组、联合组(阿霉素+苦参素组),每组5只。采取尾静脉注射法,每周连续干预5 d,共两周。对照组裸鼠每天给予生理盐水0.2 ml,阿霉素组裸鼠每天给予阿霉素6 mg/kg,苦参素组裸鼠每天给予苦参素100 mg/kg,联合组裸鼠每天给予阿霉素6 mg/kg和苦参素100 mg/kg。药物干预后第14 d用脱颈法处死各裸鼠,剥离瘤组织,部分于10%福尔马林中进行固定用于免疫组化检测,部分则保存在液氮中用于 RT- PCR检测及ELISA检测。

(3)⟹(1) This is obvious by Theorem 4.

Let R be an arbitrary ring. An element aR is nil-quasipolar if there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+pN(R). A ring R is called nil-quasipolar in case each of its elements is nil-quasipolar [3]. Further, we derive

3.2 悬挂式土壤改良机设计思路 为有效避免气动助力土壤钻孔机[20]劳动条件差、单钻头效率、精度低等问题,根据农艺参数设计了悬挂式土壤改良机,结构见图2。主要由机架、行走轮、液压马达、升降架、钻坑部件、定量施肥装置、覆土板、位置传感控制装置等部分组成。牵引点与拖拉机连接。液压马达、钻坑部件安装在升降架上,其通过机架导滑槽、限位块、液压缸与机架连接。螺旋钻罩后方设有半圆形的定向出土口。螺旋钻头部设有快换钻头。升降架后方设有肥箱,肥箱下部装有步进电机控制的排肥机构,排肥机构下方的弯型排肥管正好位于螺旋钻罩后方,机架最后面安装有4个覆土板。

Corollary 3 Let R be a ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

Proof ⟸ is clear.

(2) For any aR , there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+p,a-pN(R).

(3) J(R) is nil and R is a J-quasipolar ring.


Proof (1)⟹(3) Clearly, J(R) is nil. Let aR. Then there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+pN(R). Hence, there are some n such that (a+p)n=0∈J(R). In light of Theorem 4, R is a J-quasipolar.

(2)⟹(3) Let aR. In light of Theorem 9, there exists p2=pcomm2(a) such that a+p,a-pJ(R). As J(R)⊆N(R), we see that a+p,a-pN(R), as required.

(3)⟹(1) This is clear by the definition.

Corollary 4 Let R be a commutative local ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) T2(R) is a nil-quasipolar ring.

(17)毛地钱 Dumoatiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees,Fl.杨志平(2006);马俊改(2006);刘胜祥等(1999);李粉霞等(2011);余夏君等(2018)

(2) For any AT2(R) , there exist E2=Ecomm2(A) and A+EN(T2(R)) or A-EN(T2(R)).

(3) R is a nil-quasipolar ring.

Proof We easily obtain the result, by Corollary 3 and Theorem 8.

Recall that a ring R is strongly nil-clean if every element in R is the sum of an idempotent and a nilpotent that commute [4]. Finally, we note that strongly nil-clean ring and nil-quasipolar ring coincide with each other. That is, we have

Proposition 1 A ring R is strongly nil-clean if and only if R is nil-quasipolar.

Proof ⟹ Let aR. Then we can find an idempotent ecomm(a) such that a-eN(R). Hence, a-a2N(R). By the lifting property of idempotent, we can find some e[a] such that a-eN(R). Write e=f(a) for some f(t)∈[t]. If ccomm(a), then ec=f(a)c=cf(a)=ce. This implies that ecomm2(a). Therefore R is nil-quasipolar, as asserted.

⟸ This is obvious.


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郑 振,陈焕艮

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